
JavaScript toolkit of HTML5 audio interfaces.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nexus UI

Author: Ben Taylor

Contributors: Jesse Allison, Yemin Oh, SĂ©bastien Piquemal

Overview: NexusUI is a JS toolkit for easily designing musical interfaces for mobile apps and web browsers, with emphasis on rapid prototyping and integration with Max/MSP.

Project Site: http://www.nexusosc.com

License: NexusUI is licensed as open source software under the terms of the "New BSD License", http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/

How to Use NexusUI

Download nexusUI.js (in the /dist folder of this repo) and link to it in the head of your HTML document. (NexusUI can also be installed via npm (npm install nexusui) and required in a project using CommonJS-style includes.)

   <script src="nexusUI.js"></script>

Add an HTML5 canvas to your page with a valid nx attribute.

<canvas nx="dial"></canvas>

Your canvas will automatically convert into a touch-compatible dial interface.

Valid Nexus objects include: dial, position, keyboard, button, toggle, slider, multislider, matrix, select, tilt, metro, range, colors, joints, comment, message, number, banner, multitouch, and vinyl.

See nexusosc.com for a complete list, examples and tutorials.

Accessing Interface Data

By default, interface event data can be accessed by adding JavaScript event listeners, which can be used to control web audio.

button1.on('press', function(data) {
	// do something musical with the event data

You can write listeners for individual parameters of a widget

position1.on('x', function(data) {
	// data will be a float equal to the x coordinate of the 2D Position widget.

Or you can receive a widget's data grouped as a js object

position1.on('*', function(data) {
	// data will be an object with x and y properties (data.x and data.y)
Templates (focusing on OSC communication)

In addition, the interface can send OSC data through a network to other audio applications (or anything that understands OSC). We offer templates for several server paradigms:

nx-AjaxDemo offers a template for sending OSC via AJAX & PHP through a basic Apache server (Macs have one built-in, Windows users can use WAMP).

nx-max7 offers a max7 template for receiving data from a NexusUI embedded with [jweb]

nx-webAudio offers a basic web audio project using NexusUI.

Additional NexusUI Tools

Braid offers a drag-and-drop interface for creating web audio instruments using Gibber.lib.

Build instructions

Most users will only need to download the nexusUI.js script from this repository to use NexusUI. However, if you would like to create a custom build of NexusUI, you may do the following:

To build nexusUI yourself, you need node.js and npm.

Then open your terminal, and in the root folder of nexusUI, type npm install to install the packages needed for the build script.

Now you need to install gulp, which is the tool used to make the build. Type npm install --global gulp. (If your node.js configuration does not allow for global installation, you can use sudo npm install --global gulp)

Finally, you can build nexusUI by simply typing gulp in your terminal.

NOTE: Our current documentation system uses an edited version of jsdox used by the authors. Therefore, your documentation builds (in /api) may not match our own.