
Replace Repo::getTree() with a contrib Tree implementation

drupol opened this issue · 1 comments


Yesterday while doing #169 I noticed that you have an implementation of a tree structure for Git, which make totally sense.

I was wondering if you would be interested to look at this package.
It's a full blown tree data structure, fast, maintained and tested.

You could get rid of the current tree implementation from this package and delegate it to PHPTree.

What do you think?

Hi and thanks for reaching out!

I see both pros and cons to this:


  • breaking change (fix: major version)
  • one full-blown dependency more
  • separate discussion possible which package to use
  • much work to do (possibility e.g. "adabt" the package implementing TreeishInterface)
  • "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"


  • one thing less to maintain & test here
  • a separate implementation might be better known/more familiar to users
  • reminder to refactor methods allowing too many input types (example)

I see it as a valid option for a next major version of this library (if @imunhatep does not have major concerns), but not something I would spend time on changing myself.