- 1
- 5
- 1
More PHP 8.1 deprecations
#185 opened by jurgenhaas - 0
PHP 8.1 compatibility fix for deprecated return
#183 opened by olstjos - 1
- 1
Invalid branch name
#96 opened by knobik - 0
- 3
- 6
Problems with Stash and Pop
#153 opened by AndreFabris - 4
Process::fromShellCommandline($cmd, $cwd); fails
#164 opened by gertvdb - 1
- 5
GitElephant for Enterprise
#161 opened by GenieTim - 1
Error calling all the functions
#159 opened by alwinaugustin - 4
git pull origin
#160 opened by AndreFabris - 2
getCurrentTag command
#105 opened by zhil - 4
- 2
- 3
API for changing repository config
#104 opened by kachkaev - 3
Deleting remote branches
#115 opened by YOUR1 - 1
- 3
live example website is down ?
#145 opened by Nolwennig - 1
SRC and DST prefixes in diff
#114 opened by imunhatep - 0
- 2
Make LC_ALL call optional on Windows
#142 opened by tobias-kuendig - 1
- 1
preserve raw diff output
#102 opened by tolry - 1
- 4
Is not valid git repository path
#116 opened by sarathbabuSwamynathan - 6
InvalidArgumentException("the branch string is not valid") thrown if local repo has a detached HEAD
#99 opened by MLukman - 0
Diff mode null when file mode changes.
#93 opened by knobik - 1
Support for git flow commands
#118 opened by jurgenhaas - 0
$repo->getCaller->getOutput() omits line breaks
#124 opened by geek-merlin - 0
Capture stderr
#123 opened by geek-merlin - 2
- 2
dev-develop branch breaks composer
#137 opened by geek-merlin - 1
GitElephant breaks under non-english locales
#121 opened by geek-merlin - 2
PHP 7.2 breaks project because of "Object" type-hint
#129 opened by bnock - 2
How to push/pull ?
#120 opened by oDestroyeRo - 3
[Q] What are the necessary permissions?
#127 opened by GenieTim - 1
Get working tree diff
#113 opened by fsevestre - 1
Doesn't work with vfStream mock filesystem
#111 opened by samgavinio - 1
- 2
clone to existing folder
#94 opened by fuzzy76 - 1
Getting error message after fresh install.
#106 opened by jaesung2061 - 0
Calling Repository::getBranches() will execute "git branch" command the same number of times as the number of branches + 1
#101 opened by MLukman - 4
prevent git from using wrong .git folder
#92 opened by tolry - 2
integrate with laravel
#87 opened by essaaam - 4
Clone on windows
#91 opened by DONGChuan - 5
Show file contents at a particular commit
#88 opened by kachkaev - 4
[Q] About SSH Agent
#86 opened by LeoBenoist