- 3
Issue with Verifying Solidity Libraries on zkSync
#516 opened by mshakeg - 5
I can't verify the zkSync Era contract.
#286 opened by zkLaunch-dev - 2
- 9
Cannot verify a contract with construct args and created within another contract
#350 opened by zkbenny - 6
- 1
Cannot verify a contract deployed within another contract with hardhat-zksync-upgradeable
#362 opened by statskiy-sovetnik - 0
Feature request: viem chai matchers
#480 opened by hbriese - 1
hardhat-zksync-upgradable: Need a `defaultFallbackName` for unknown network manifest file.
#360 opened by anhlh-edsolabs - 5
Error in `@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-vyper`: `contains invalid WIN32 path characters.`
#396 opened by pcaversaccio - 1
- 1
CI Not Being Respected
#509 opened by idea404 - 9
Bump `zksync2-js` Peer Dependency to `^0.4.0`
#497 opened by pcaversaccio - 2
I ran the contract verify task "verify:verify", I got the error "Error in plugin @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-verify: Unknown zksolc version: v1.3.17"
#501 opened by crazytang - 9
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- 1
Bug: `hardhat-zksync-zksync2js` version `0.0.1-beta.0` build is broken on `npm`
#498 opened by pcaversaccio - 1
vyper verify contarct
#388 opened by osmond47 - 2
- 0
stack overflow when run compile
#280 opened by danielleego - 7
Update to ethers v6
#311 opened by fvictorio - 3
how to make cache-zk work?
#312 opened by GopherJ - 3
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Error in plugin @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-solc: Connect Timeout Error
#288 opened by sprprashanth1443 - 1
[BUG] - transaction on testnet reverts when contract calls opcode (Create) [Error panic]
#273 opened by mix1o - 3
vyper already supports 0.3.9, but hardhat-vyper can't it be compile and downloaded 0.3.9
#331 opened by liny52 - 4
Contracts deployment and testing on local node
#342 opened by vladikopl01 - 0
exclude some contracts from compiling
#352 opened by GopherJ - 1
#353 opened by rozpuch1987 - 1
- 7
`reverted` and `revertedWith` does not working using @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-chai-matchers
#359 opened by tkowalczyk - 2
Cannot resolve hardhat-zksync-deploy dependency
#366 opened by ComeOnOliver - 1
Error while running deploy script
#387 opened by Zhora1142 - 6
- 2
- 5
Using non-latest version of the zksolc is not working with the ECSA for verify signatures - @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-zksolc
#423 opened by ogarciarevett - 3
The version 0.2.0 of the verify package don't let me compile - @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-verify
#421 opened by ogarciarevett - 1
If you move the hardhat.config.ts from the defaul root folder the deploy package never found the deploy folder - @matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy
#422 opened by ogarciarevett - 4
zk-solc compilation does not work in hre.
#269 opened by dewindtk - 2
- 5
hardhat-zksync-upgradeable dependency issue with @openzeppelin/upgrades-core
#361 opened by statskiy-sovetnik - 2
hardhat-zksync-upgradable: What are the contracts that deployed at `defaultImplAddresses` constants?
#348 opened by anhlh-edsolabs - 2
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The code hash is not known
#304 opened by GopherJ - 2
- 1
The zksolc binary at path zksolc is corrupted
#327 opened by Hyper0x0 - 2
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memory leak during zk-solc compilation
#274 opened by grey0100