- 0
- 8
Duplicate categories are created if new members are assigned to channels and channels are assigned to categories
#120 opened by christianhueserhzdr - 1
- 4
- 2
error occurred while processing greeting for team server: failed to query team server: GetTeamByName: Unable to find the existing team
#119 opened by vanishedd - 2
Do not write private messages
#117 opened by Ityumenev - 5
Neither the preview comand nor welcome message works if team name has a space in it
#103 opened by FFdhorkin - 3
- 3
Action integration error
#87 opened by nicolas-goudry - 1
Restrict Channel specific Welcome Bot message config to users who have permission to manage channels
#41 opened by DHaussermann - 0
- 1
Automatically add users to all channels
#128 opened by bjbraun - 4
welcomebot not displaying
#58 opened by umlaeute - 2
config.json content erased and no message saved
#116 opened by hammenm - 2
How to add welcome message in k8s environment
#56 opened by erezo9 - 0
Ignore Bot Accounts
#83 opened by mhamiltonj - 4
- 3
Action button faulty
#89 opened by boredomdenied - 11
Implement plugin settings in admin console
#108 opened by mickmister - 2
- 0
mmomni.yml vs config.json
#118 opened by foolgladly - 3
Setup via Docker Envrionment Variables
#125 opened by olmohake - 3
- 2
Add example usage of Include Guest to read me
#110 opened by DHaussermann - 2
Allow same welcomebot message for a number of MM Teams on same server without repeating message text
#65 opened by Daksol - 1
#107 opened by DHaussermann - 6
- 2
Mattermost Reorganizes json
#38 opened by ewwollesen - 4
- 9
- 9
Can't seem to get commands to work
#39 opened by rovsing - 2
Internal Server Error when using /welcomebot
#46 opened by taylorjason - 10
- 0
Cross-plugin task: Enable the CircleCI "test" job in each plugin repo that has a webapp plugin
#85 opened by sibasankarnayak - 5
allow messages for *all* teams
#36 opened by umlaeute - 2
adding to channels with wildcard
#57 opened by umlaeute - 3
Channel welcome message is buggy
#61 opened by bbodenmiller - 1
Execute slash commands
#62 opened by jwillmer - 0
"preview" command not working
#71 opened by alexanderlhk - 5
Add slash command autocomplete functionality
#50 opened by iomodo - 1
- 0
- 3
Welcomebot preview not working (team not found)
#54 opened by acidicX - 1
Integrate GolangCI-Lint
#45 opened by hanzei - 1
Add Webhook to repo
#48 opened by jfrerich - 1
Team not found response when using /welcomebot preview [team-name] [user-name]
#44 opened by DHaussermann - 3
- 3
- 1
Can't use the configuration snippet, Mattermost exits with an error upon restart.
#35 opened by franckadil - 3
Testing new messages
#26 opened