
Matterbuild - An internal Mattermost chatops tool for generating Mattermost releases

Primary LanguageGo


Matterbuild is an internal Mattermost chatops tool for generating Mattermost releases.

Get Involved


Environment Setup


  1. Install Go


  1. Tilt v0.13+ (to deploy on a local dev K8s cluster)
  2. kind v0.8+ (to spin up a local dev K8s cluster)
  3. kustomize v3.6+


This project uses tilt to deploy to local Kubernetes cluster. In order to do this you need a local Kuberetes cluster (kind is recommended).

kind create cluster --name matterbuild

Matterbuild deployment to any cluster and any environment (dev, prod, etc) depends on existense of deploy/config/config.json file, this file is .gitignored and you can safeley choose to copy sample config there for local development and testing:

cp config.json deploy/config/

Point KUBECONFIG to the newly created cluster, and start tilt and open http://localhost:8080/:

make run

Note: If you don't want to use Tilt nor deploy to local cluster you can ignore it and simply start the binary server:

NOTILT=1 make run


Running all tests:

make test

Generate github mocks:

make mocks

Setting up slash command in Mattermost

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8065/_redirect/integrations/commands/add
  2. Set Command Trigger Word to matterbuild
  3. Set Request URL to http://localhost:8080/slash_command
  4. Set Request Method to POST
  5. Click Save
  6. Navigate to any channel and type /matterbuild cutplugin --tag v0.6.3 --repo mattermost-plugin-demo --commitSHA 24dbd65762612fb72af6e7c30b40e9e8d0a90968

Test via curl

Invoke matterbuild commands using curl:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/slash_command -d "command=/matterbuild&token=&user_id=" -d "text=cutplugin+--tag+v0.4.1+--repo+mattermost-plugin-demo"

Testing cutplugin

To test the cutplugin you have to:

  1. Connect to Mattermost VPN
  2. Get AWS Vault credentials
  3. Signed public certificate by Vault
  4. Generate Github Token
  5. Set following fields in config.json before running matterbuild
// Used to authenticate invoking slash command
"AllowedTokens": ["irkngs1z4jrcz8t9aiyzu8zx3r", ""],
"AllowedUsers": ["gcye3z5pnpgibkcfhpemsp78ey", ""],

"GithubAccessToken": "---",
"GithubOrg": "mattermost",

"PluginSigningSSHKeyPath": "/Users/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa",
"PluginSigningSSHPublicCertPath": "/Users/<user>/.ssh/signed-cert.pub",
"PluginSigningSSHUser": "---",
"PluginSigningSSHHost": "---",
"PluginSigningSSHHostPublicKey": " ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AyNTYAAABBBDZEF6pmnR=",
"PluginSigningAWSAccessKey": "---",
"PluginSigningAWSSecretKey": "---",
"PluginSigningAWSRegion": "us-east-1",
"PluginSigningAWSS3PluginBucket": "mattermost-toolkit-dev"


There are helper Makefile targets to cut a release following semver:

  • make patch: to cut a patch release
  • make minor: to cut a minor release
  • make major: to cut a major release