Associate Cache


Install the nuget package AssociativeCache.4.0.0.nupkg.

Using In Memory Cache Manager

Initialise a single instance of the cache manager using with default parameters.

var cacheManager = new InMemoryCache<string, string>();
Adding a new item to cache
cacheManager.Add("key", "value");
Getting item from cache
var cacheValue = cacheManager.TryGetValue("key");
Overriding the default eviction policy (FIFO)

Current implementations include:

  • First In First Out - FifoEvictionPolicy (default)
  • Most Recently Used - MruEvictionPolicy
  • Least Recently Used - LruEvictionPolicy
var evictionPolicy = new MruEvictionPolicy<TKey,TValue>();
var cacheManager = new InMemoryCache<string, string>(evictionPolicy);
Implementing custom eviction policy

Create a new class that derives from the interface ICacheEvictionPolicy<TKey,TValue>.

public class CustomEvictionPolicy<TKey,TValue> : ICacheEvictionPolicy<TKey,TValue>
        public TKey EvictItem()
            //return key of item to evict

        public void OnItemAdded(TKey key, TValue value)
            //custom logic

        public void OnItemAccessed(TKey key, TValue value)
            //custom logic

        public void OnItemRemoved(TKey key)
            //custom logic