
A minimal Golang implementation of Solitaire for the terminal, written as part of my application to KP Engineering Fellows.

To run, download to your Go workspace and go get && go run solitaire.go.

Cards are repersented as integers 0-51, inclusive, and modded by 13 and 4 to get their rank and suit, respectively.

All of the piles are repersented as arrays / slices of integers, with the tableau and foundations represented as arrays of slices. A seperate array stores the "frontier" of the tableau piles, with cards before that frontier being hidden as denoted by ?.

The game uses pairs of consecutive key presses to move cards from one pile to another:

  • q = Stock
  • w = Talon
  • e, r, t, y = Foundations
  • a, s, d, f, g, h, j = Tableau

Ex: To move a card from the Stock to the Talon, press qw.

The core game logic just involves relating these letters to their corresponding piles, and ensuring that a move is valid before it is executed.

tcell is used to handle keyboard input and draw to the terminal.

I chose Go because I had never implemented anything non-trivial in it before and I wanted to learn.
