
Fork for tracking CNCF projects

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CNCF gitdm

This is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation's fork of Jon Corbet and Greg KH's gitdm tool for calculating contributions based on developers and their companies. Companies and developers can check if they are correctly attributed at the following links:

Company Developers list

Developers affiliations list

If you see any errors in those lists, please submit a pull request with edits. However, only the Developers affiliations list should be edited manually. The Company Developers list is them derived from it.

Testing changes

You can test any changes locally by cloning this repository and regenerating all data by running ./rerun_data.sh.

Then generate config files by running: ./import_affs.sh.

If those two files are out of sync tool will notify You about this.

This tool will generate new email-map file.

Check if Your changes are OK and move it to cncf-config/email-map (replace)


Please use *.sh scripts to run analytics (all*.sh for full analysis and rels*.sh for per release stats)

This program assumes that gitdm lives in: ~/dev/cncf/gitdm/ and kubernetes in ~/dev/go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/

Output files are placed in kubernetes/ directory.

To run all statistics just jun: ./rerun_data.sh

This is an iterative process: Run any of scripts. Review its output in kubernetes directory. Iteratively adjust mappings to handle more authors.

You can also run via ./debug.sh to halt in debugger and review hackers structure and those who were not found. See cncfdm.py:DebugUnknowns

Final report:




Pull requests are welcome.

Our mapping is not complete, please see config files in Config files.

File email-map is a direct mapping email to the employer.

There is also a long list of unknown emails, please see section Developers with unknown affiliation: in all.txt

All of them were checked in various sources available and we were not able to find their affiliation.

Detailed Description

Use ./rerun_data.sh to regenerate all data which means:

  • Data for kubernetes/kubernetes repository (all time) with 3 mappings of Unknown developers: no mapping (list them with their email & name), map them to theirs email domain's (user@gmail.com --> 'Gmail *'), map all of them to '(Unknown)'. This is done via running: (./all.sh, ./all_no_map.sh, ./all_with_map.sh). Output comes to ./kubernetes/all_time/ directory
  • Data for kubernetes/kubernetes repository divided into releases v1.0.0, v1.1.0, ..., v1.7.0 (with 3 types of mappings described above). This is done with (./rels.sh, ./rels_strict.sh, ./rels_no_map.sh). Output comes to ./kubernetes/v1.X.0-v1.Y.0/` directory: X=0,1,2,3,4,5,6 Y=1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

After those 2 steps we need to analyse cncfdm.py outputs, it is done via calling: ./analysis_all.sh (alanyses all time results) and then ./analysis_rels.sh (for per release data)

Data for all 68 (currently) repos that makes entire Kubernetes project with ./kubernetes_repos.sh script.

Final files generated by first 2 calls (for single repo kubernetes/kubernetes) are in ./kubernetes/all_time/*.txt and ./kubernetes/v1.X.0-v1.Y.0/*.txt

All scripts are configured to ignore commits related to files from vendor and Godeps directories. This is because external sources are placed here, and many commits are just adding external libraries which would make data less accurate

All of them use git log call with specific args piped to cncfdm.py call with specific parameters.

See ./run.sh for example, all other calls use the same commands git log and cncfdm.py with other parameters.

To see parameters for cncfdm.py see comments inside cncfdm.py file describing all possible options.

For more details about how cncfdm.py tool works refer to its sources and other *.py files.

Those files are analysed by ./analysis_all.sh and ./analysis_rels.sh.

First just calls: ruby analysis.rb all kubernetes/all_time/first_run_patch.txt kubernetes/all_time/run_no_map_patch.txt kubernetes/all_time/run_with_map_patch.txt

Second calls: ruby analysis.rb v1.0_v1.1 kubernetes/*/output_strict_patch.txt kubernetes/*/output_patch.txt kubernetes/*/output_no_map_patch.txt

This ruby tool expects to get 3 files (one with no unknown developers mapping, 2nd with mapping to a domain name and 3rd with mapping to (Unknown).

The output of this analysis.rb tool is in project/<prefix>_<key>_<type>.csv files. : can be all or v1.X.0-v1.Y.0 - it means that file is for all time data or for specific release of kubernetes/kubernetes : can be changeset, employers, lines, signoffs - it means file contains data sorted by this desc. : can be sum, top, all:

  • all means that file contains all data for given sorted by desc (header is: idx,company,n,percent which means n-th, company name, n developers, % all developers) All known is sum of all detected developers
  • top means that there will be top 10 data from all but also must contain data for: '(Unknown)', 'Gmail *', 'Qq *', 'Outlook *', 'Yahoo *', 'Hotmail *', '(Self)', '(Not Found)'. The header is the same as in all.
  • sum contains a summary value for all found developers. It has other header N companies,sum,percent: numer of developer's companies found, the sum of for all found developers, % of sum as a part of sum for all developers.
  • Special names: All known (sum all known developers), (Self) (developers working on their own), (Not Found) (developers for whom I was searching using multiple sources and wasn't able to determine their employer), (Unknown) (developers not mapped (yet?)), Some name * (sum of developers having emails on Some name domain). Asterisk * added to indicate this.

This data is directly used for "Who writes Kubernetes" report.

./kubernetes_repos.sh script is used to generate all time data for all kubernetes repos.

To use it You must have all kubernetes repositories (68 from 3 different organizations) cloned in ~/dev/go/src/k8s/.

Orgs are: kubernetes, kubernetes-incubator, kubernetes-client.

It generates statistics for each single repo via: ./anyrepo.sh ~/dev/go/src/k8s.io/<repo-name> <repo-name>

See details in ./kubernetes_repos.sh. is a directory where given kubernetes repository is cloned.

To clone repository do: cd ~/dev/go/src/k8s/ git clone https://github.com/<one-of-3-kubernetes-orgs>/<kubernetes-repo-name>.git.

one-of-3-kubernetes-orgs: kubernetes, kubernetes-incubator and kubernetes-client

kubernetes-repo-name: please look up all repo names in all kubernetes orgs at GitHub.

./anyrepo.sh just calls cncfdm.py with appropriate args (like exclude vendor dir numstat etc).

There is also ./anyreporange.sh that allows querying repo for given time range (cncfdm.py supports that too).

Output of this is in repos/<repo-name>.<ext> : repository name ./anyrepo.sh was called with. : txt, csv, html, out: txt: main data file, csv: dump list of employers in given repo, html: the same as txt but in HTML format, out: cncfdm.py verbose output messages (for debugging)

Finally ./kubernetes_repos.sh calls: ./multirepo.sh with all 68 repositories directories listed.

It gathers git log on each of them and concatenates all those files and then run cncfdm.py on concatenated result (see ./multirepo.sh)

Results are saved to repos/combined.<ext> is the same as for anyrepo.sh.

Typical work looks like reruning ./kubernetes_repos.sh and examine repos/combined.txt for unknown developers.

Research on google, clearbit, github, LinkedIn, Facebook whatever -> update cncf-config/<filename> and re-run ./kubernetes_repos.sh : usually in this order: email-map, domain-map, a in very rare cases: aliases, gitdm.config-cncf or group mappings in groups/

Also when running data for single kubernetes/kubernetes for example with ./all.sh examining developers found in ./kubernetes/all_time/first_run_patch.txt.

After all this data is generated, ./kubernetes_repos.sh concatenates all single repo data into single output file: repos/merged.out just to allow browsing all data in a single file.

It also generates developers and companies statistics via: ./topdevs.sh call.

It calls Ruby tool on combined output of all 68 kubernetes repos (saved as CSV): ruby topdevs.rb repos/combined.csv

That tool generates files:

  • companies_by_name.csv - this is a list of companies found sorted by their names (no case sensitive) to allow manual examination if we don't have duplicates with slightly different names like "Google" vs "Googe Corporation" vs "Google Corp." or "google"
  • companies_by_count.csv - list of companies found sorted (desc) by the number of employers. Serves similar purpose but from a different perspective.
  • unknown_devs.txt, unknown_devs.csv, unknown_emails.csv - list of developers for who we don't have a mapping. Used to prioritize searching for devs, and unknown_emails.csv is in the format requested by clearbit batch.

There are clearbit tools in clearbit_tools/ directory.

Look for any files with .rb extension. I've already done 3 rounds of commercial requests to clearbit. And they returned quite a lot of data.

But those files are not checked in and are listed in ./.gitignore because we have to pay for that data.

Those tools are used to enrich of cncf-config/email-map mapping. google_other.txt - contains a list of Google developers with email on a domain different than @google.com. ./changesets.csv, ./added.csv, ./removed.csv files contain developers sorted by changesets, added lines, removed lines desc.

This is used to generate Top N developers in given criteria.

./new_devs.sh (also used by ./rerun_data.sh) is used to generate statistics about new developers between kubernetes/kubernetes releases.

It calls: ruby new_devs.rb kubernetes/v1.X.0-v1.Y.0/output_strict_patch.csv for all X and Y. new_devs.rb just generates information about developers who were new between each releases and file new_devs.csv which contains list of companies who introduced most new developers overall (sorted by # of new developers desc).

That covers typical usage and data for "Who writes Kubernetes report"

Other tools

Other tools include:

  • see_parser.sh - display data feed as used by cncfdm.py tool
  • range.sh - generate stats for Linux kernel for given data range (1st and 2nd command line argument like 2016-01-01 2017-01-01), assumes Linux repo (torvalds/linux) is cloned in ~/dev/linux/
  • range_<period>.sh - used to generate monthly, quarterly, yearly stats using above ./range.sh, for example ./range_monthly.sh.

To work on Prometheus contributors before and after joining CNCF:

Prometheus joined CNCF at 2016-05-09.

You need to clone all Prometheus repos into ~/dev/prometheus using ./clone_prometheus.sh

Then You need to get a number of distinct Prometheus contributors before joining CNCF: ./prometheus_repos.sh 2015-05-09 2016-05-08 ~/dev/prometheus/

Result is:

Processed 2721 csets from 230 developers
252 employers found
A total of 1558445 lines added, 353900 removed (delta 1204545)

Now let's check number of distinct contributors after 2016-05-09: ./prometheus_repos.sh 2016-05-09 2017-06-01 ~/dev/prometheus/

Processed 2817 csets from 346 developers
365 employers found
A total of 2696196 lines added, 771502 removed (delta 1924694)

We have an increase from 230 to 365 which is 59% more.


Links to data and generated report are here: ./res/links.txt

CNCF Projects join statistics

  • CNCF Projects joindates are: https://github.com/cncf/toc#projects

  • To generate statistics for Prometheus 90 days before joining CNCF and 90 days after joining try this:

  • Run: ./clone_prometheus.sh

  • Run ./cncf_join_analysis.sh prometheus 2016-05-09 90 ~/dev/prometheus/

  • Result in prometheus_repos/result.txt

  • Create directory where You want to put links to kubernetes repos, like this: mkdir ~/dev/kubernetes_repos_links

  • Now copy kubernetes_repos.sh to link_kubernetes_repos.sh: cp kubernetes_repos.sh link_kubernetes_repos.sh

  • Open copy and add 1st line: cd ~/dev/kubernetes_repos_links

  • Now replace lines like ./anyrepo.sh ~/dev/go/src/k8s.io/test-infra/ test-infra with ln -s /dev/go/src/k8s.io/test-infra/ test-infra, run it, voila, You have k8s repos links in /dev/kubernetes_repos_links`

  • Now command that takes on Kubernetes repos should be: ./cncf_join_analysis.sh kubernetes 2016-03-10 90 ~/dev/kubernetes_repos_links

  • Result in kubernetes_repos/result.txt

  • To generate statistics for OpenTracing 90 days before joining CNCF and 90 days after joining try this:

  • Run: ./clone_opentracing.sh

  • Run ./cncf_join_analysis.sh opentracing 2016-08-17 90 ~/dev/opentracing/

  • Result in opentracing_repos/result.txt

  • There is also All-in-one script to regenerate all CNCF Projects join statistics: run: ./join_stats.sh

Typical update of "Who writes Kubernetes report"

Since the kubernetes project started in June 2014 - 2623 Developers from 789 Companies were working on it (counting Kubernetes and all its projects 68 repos from 3 orgs).
A total of 28.4 million lines were added, 16.3 million removed.

Taken from: ./repos/combined.txt

Processed 59041 csets from 2623 developers
789 employers found
A total of 28440262 lines added, 16342872 removed (delta 12097390)

For single kubernetes/kubernetes repo we have data: kubernetes/all_time/first_run_numstat.txt

Processed 28225 csets from 1338 developers
400 employers found
A total of 6667288 lines added, 4132224 removed (delta 2535064)
  • Now how to fill data sheet/chart:
  • Sheet "all time data":
  • analysis_all_repos.sh, generates files starting with: report/all_repos_rest
  • report/prefix_key_type (prefix: all - for kubernetes/kubernetes, all_repos - for all repos, v1.x for releases), project/
  • Commits info is in other_repos/all_kubernetes_dtfrom_dtto and other_repos/kubernetes_dtfrom_dtto (for all k8s repos and kubernetes/kubernetes alone)
  • To see commits for all kubernetes repos combined for last year & for last 12 months (each) separately: grep -HIn "csets from" other_repos/all_kubernetes_range_unknown_201*
  • The same for kubernetes/kubernetes repo: grep -HIn "csets from" other_repos/kubernetes_range_unknown_201*
  • Update report and report data sheet with those results
  • Number of github events etc - from cncf/velocity:projects/unlimited.csv (this is for 201606-201705)
  • And number for May 2017 is: cncf/velocity:projects/cncf_projects_201705.csv
Last year: 308313,217684,46351,16000,28278,1728
Last month: 30227,21371,4645,1741,2470,451
  • Analysis for kubernetes/kubernetes (main repo) are in format: report/all_{key}_top.csv, import them to 2nd sheet
  • Big summaries like all developers etc in ./repos/combined.txt, for main k8s repo: kubernetes/all_time/first_run_numstat.txt
  • Top developer stats are here: stats/all_key.csv (for all repos), stats/kubernetes_key.csv (for main repo) and stats/v1.x_key.csv per versions.
  • Import those to last 3 sheets in data sheet
  • Per verion data: report/v1.x_v1.y_key_top.csv, key: changesets, lines, developers, import to data sheet for all versions: 7 x 3 = 21 imports

For some developers, I was doing my best to find their affiliation, found something but I'm not 100% sure. They are: in uncertain.csv file.

You can pull GitHub users using Octokit GiHub API.

To do this call: ruby ghusers.rb or ./ghusers.sh

You need to have:

  • Standard GitHub OAuth token: https://github.com/settings/tokens --> Personal access tokens, put it in /etc/github/oauth file.
  • GitHub Application to increase rate limit from 60 to 5000 (60 is not enough to process kubernetes, 5000 is enough).
  • See: https://github.com/settings/ --> OAuth application, put Your client_id and client_secret in /ect/github/client_id, /etc/github/client_secret files.
  • This tool will cache all GitHub calls (save them as JSON files in ./ghusers/)
  • Final JSON will be saved in ./github_users.json (next calls will use data from this file, so to reset cache just remove this file and all files from ghusers/ directory
  • To actually generate new mapping You should manually process this JSON (and do some mapping of company names - GitHub users are putting strange stuff here)
  • I've done that by iteratively using new tool: import_from_github_users.sh, import_from_github_users.rb with mapping file (that tries to map GiHub user company names into something more accurate): company-names-mapping

Tools to help find unknown affiliations

To enhance this json with already existing affiliations call: ./enchance_json.sh

  • To generate JSON with some filtered data (like all unknown devs with location or LinkedIn profile link or just blog entry) call: ./lookup_json.sh (see script for details, also lookup_json.rb have a lot of comments how to use it).

  • To generate progress report (report about how many Not Found, Unknowns and Self-employment devs are defined in our affiliation, call: ./progress_report.sh).

  • To generate aliases for emails that are already known (are using the same GitHub user name) try ./aliaser.sh, the output is aliaser.txt that can be analyzed and manually added to cncf-config/aliases if needed.

  • To generate correlations map for company name (to avoid mapping typos etc) run ./correlations.sh script, result is correlations.txt file that can be used to update cncf-config/email-map with corrected employer names.

  • To generate per files/directories statistics use: ./per_dirs.sh, this is a part of standard workflow, results are in CSV files in per_dirs directory

  • To generate affiliation files (developers_affiliations.txt, company_developers.txt), use ./gen_aff_files.sh

  • To generate data for stacked chart, user ./stacked_chart_<months|rels>_<csets|perc>.sh, it generates CSV file: stacked_chart_<months|rels>_<csets|perc>.csv, to generate all stacked charts: ./stacked_charts.sh

  • To import data from pretty formatted files use import_affs.sh, this is not a part of the standard workflow

All those tools are automatically called when running full data regenerating script: ./rerun_data.sh