
A CLI converting markdown extra into html.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Markdown Extra CLI

Markdown Extra is a variant of markdown with some extras. This application is a CLI that can convert mark extra to html.


This it a PHP based CLI so there is a prerequisite of PHP 5.3 being installed for the command line. This is included on OS X and can be installed on ubuntu/debian with sudo apt-get install php5-cli.

To install the application download it and set the permissions to be executable chmod +x markdown-extra.


This CLI has a few options:

  • convert Converts markdown extra into html. Use --help to see the different ways to handle IO.
  • self-update updates the app to the latest version right from github.
  • about provides brief information about the application.


This project uses git-flow style work flows. The current release is on the master branch and development happens on the develop branch.


This application is licensed under the MIT license.

Note: Markdown Extra is licensed under the New BSD. For more detail see the project page.