Hi there 👋

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on building CalyxOS from source for my phone with some tweaks, and then contributing to some of the upstream packages like the system apps.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning various Bach two-part inventions on harpsichord.
  • 📚 I’m studying German (fairly consistently) and Lojban (fervently). .i xu do se jbobau .i iu ko co'a irci la'o ibu #lojban ibu la liberas
  • 💬 Ask me about Linux, Rust, and the value of always learning new things.
  • ️🌈 My pronouns are he/him but they/them is often simpler and easier.
  • ⚡ Fun fact: Microsoft Azure runs on Linux


Quick Developer Questions:

  • Spaces or tabs: tabs, with a width of 2
  • Light or dark mode: auto based on sunrise/sunset (using My fork of sainnhe's Everforest until I get around to making my own theme)
  • Preferred editor: NVim
  • OSS License: AGPL 3.0 or later (even for non-network-based projects, because why not), sometimes CC0/0BSD for small stuff
  • Development OS: Arch Linux, with sway (tiling window managers rock!)
  • Keyboard Layout: Dvorak (save your hands), MessagEase (actually designed for a phone, my implementation), learning stenotype (my impl)
  • Shell: fish, then bash, then zsh (don't even talk to me about Nu)
  • Okay, but if you had to choose, would you run MacOS or Windows? Windows, simply for its larger marketshare. I expect I would spend most of my time inside WSL...