
Proof-of-concept Typst webapp alternative

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Proof-of-Concept Typst Webapp Alternative

With the following features:

It's pretty janky and cursed, but it might be a good starting point if you want to implement an alternative to typst.app.

Some notable features that are missing:

  • A better renderer for the preview that doesn't flicker and maintains its position when the document changes. Currently we are just embedding a PDF.
  • A better editor to complement this, with things like correct syntax highlighting, clicking to go to definitions, inline errors, etc. We may want to switch to Monaco; I used Ace for this because its API is a bit simpler in some ways.
  • Packages and plugins. Packages should be fairly simply, plugins not so much.
  • Users, projects, files, etc. This is kind of boring and would be pretty easy to bolt on.

PRs welcome if you want to help build this!


The recommended mode of development is to run the following command from the root of the project:

pushd wasm; wasm-pack build --dev --target web; popd; cargo run -p server

