Flask application used as a digital resume, staging application deployments, and for showing freelance clients mockups of their projects.
This app has a CI/CD deployment configuration using TravisCI and AWS:
- First changes to the Master branch trigger travis-yaml script to initiate Docker image to push up to an existing repo on AWS ECR
- Then change to ECR repo triggers the automated setup of new ECS Task Definition which phase into ECS service via its Auto-Scaling Group
- Finally, the existing EC2 instances update
- Single-page Dockerized Flask application used as digital resume
- Details about my education, experience, projects, publications, and more is found here
- Application is hosted using AWS architecture and sits behind an application load balancer to route traffic to each subdomain
- Clonotypr - R package. Bioinformatics tools for analyzing and visualizing immunosequencing data
- Clonotypy - Python package. Python version of clonotypr, with support for Scanpy and many additional statistical analysis.
- ImmunoVue - Python (Flask) version of ImmunoTools -- analysis dashboard for scVDJ-seq data
- ImmunoTools - R Shiny data dashboard application for analyzing single-cell immune repertoire data
- Labstock - Node JS inventory and lab-supply order-tracking application
- Seqbase - Serverless API to both retrieve and query on metadata from NGS-based studies (e.g., RNAseq, VDJseq, ATACseq) from a manually-curated database of published data
Majority of my personal projects are hosted on their own domains and closed-source. Below are a few apps shown on the site:
- Micrographer - My eCommerce business for selling open and limited edition fine art microscope prints [Status: 🏢 Complete]