r-autoyas.el — Provides automatically created yasnippets for R function argument lists.
- Filename
- r-autoyas.el
- Description
- r-autoyas is a small ESS complement. It provides automatically created yasnippets for R function argument lists.
- Author
- Sven Hartenstein & Matthew Fidler
- Maintainer
- Matthew Fidler
- Created
- Fri Mar 25 10:36:08 2011 (-0500)
- Version
- 0.28
- Last-Updated
- Mon Jun 25 15:12:20 2012 (-0500)
- By
- Matthew L. Fidler
- Update #
- 873
- https://github.com/mlf176f2/r-autoyas.el
- Keywords
- R yasnippet
r-autoyas is a small ESS complement. It provides automatically created yasnippets for R function argument lists.
The following are needed:
- yasnippet https://github.com/capitaomorte/yasnippet
- R & ESS
- R process must be running.
- To expand the snipped type the function name and them press
. - To jump from field to feild press
. If you did not change the field, the parameter will be deleted from this list - To exit the snipped and delete remaining arguments, press
This is an incomplete list of user definable options. The complete
list can be retrieved by
M-x customize-group r-autoyas
Debugging messages can be put on-screen. This is done by
(setq r-autoyas-debug t)
Uses Lisp-based dot-replacement defined by `r-autoyas-r-based-dot-replacement’ instead of specifying through options in R startup. This is on by default but can be turned off by
(setq r-autoyas-use-r-based-dot-replacement nil)
Emacs can change the functions `…’ replacement through lisp. The easiest way to change this is, typing:
M-x customize-variable r-autoyas-r-based-dot-replacement
By default, R-autoyas only expands predefined functions in
namespaces/package that are loaded in R. This ignores any
user-defined functions. However, R-autoyas may be used to expand
user-defined functions as well. This is done with the
variable. To turn on
r-autoyas’s expansion of user-defined functions, the following code
may be used:
(setq r-autoyas-expand-package-functions-only nil)
This variable may also be customized.
- No nice error handling when no R process is found
- Partial nested support – not perfected
You may use marmalade-repo and ELPA to install r-autoyas (http://marmalade-repo.org/), or put it into your load-path and put the following in ~/.emacs
(require 'r-autoyas)
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'r-autoyas-ess-activate)
(r-autoyas-defined-p &optional WITH-PAREN)
Is the current function defined (like plot )
R autoyas ESS hook
Exit yas snippet and delete the remaining argument list.
(r-autoyas-expand &optional RM-PAREN)
Insert argument list for R function before the point as intelligent yas snippets and expand the snippets. RM-PAREN removes the inserted parenthesis
(r-autoyas-expand-maybe &rest IGNORE)
Might auto-expand snippet.
Function to allow Auto-yas to insert parenthesis
Wrap code
(autopair-r-autoyas-paren-action ACTION PAIR POS-BEFORE)
Autopair R autoyas paren-action
(r-autoyas-active-field-number &optional ARG)
Get the active field position
(r-autoyas-editing-field-num-p &optional ARG)
Which field is active?
Generates dot-replace R-code
(r-autoyas-generte-dotreplace-list-lisp FUNC)
Generates dot-replacement yasnippet based on lisp options
(r-autoyas-m &rest OBJECTS)
Message when debugging is on.
(r-autoyas-namespace FUNCTION-NAME)
Returns the namespace for FUNCTION-NAME, or nil if it cannot be determined.
(r-autoyas-preloaded-namespace-p NAMESPACE)
Determines if NAMESPACE is preloaded in R. It is based on the variable r-autoyas-preloaded-packages
(r-autoyas-text-on-moving-away DEFAULT-TEXT &optional ORIG-TEXT)
- Changes text when moving away AND original text has not changed
Update fields
(rayas-comma FIELD NUM)
Inserts comma and field number if needed
(rayas-require-explicit-p NUM)
Should the explicit x= be required?
(rayas-space FIELD-NUMBER)
Adds a dummy space so that reducing the yasnippet field to zero doesn’t cause strange errors.
- When true will automatically expand with the ( key.
Add debugging comments for=r-autoyas=
- When true use
to echo the commands to the R process. Otherwise useess-command
to quietly add the lines to the R process.
Automatically expand only functions defined in a package/library.
Defines default the … replacement using lisp.
Defines the number of commas before the snippet is inserted as:
plot(x= , y=NULL, type=’p’, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, log=”, main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, ann=par(“ann”), axes=TRUE, frame.plot= , panel.first=NULL, panel.last=NULL, asp=NA, …)
insetad of:
plot(x= , y=NULL, type=’p’, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, log=”, main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, ann=par(“ann”), axes=TRUE, frame.plot= , panel.first=NULL, panel.last=NULL, asp=NA, …)
If this number is zero or below, always insert as a single line.
List of functions to ignore when creating auto-snippets by inserting a parenthesis
List of preloaded packages in R. All other packages need to be included by a require(package) or library(package) statement.
Defines default the … replacement sent to the options() statement in R. quote() is used to keep the expression instead of evaluating it.
- Remove explicit assignments when appropriate.
This option removes explicit assignments after tabbing away. For example
write.table(x= , file=”“, append=FALSE, quote=TRUE, sep=” “, eol=”\n”, na=”NA”, dec=”.”, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, qmethod=c(“escape”, “double”))
write.table(d, “file-name.csv”, append=FALSE, quote=TRUE, sep=” “, eol=”\n”, na=”NA”, dec=”.”, row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, qmethod=c(“escape”, “double”));
Defines if r-autoyas should save the snippet to memory instead of calling the R communcation again.
Uses Lisp-based dot-replacement defined by r-autoyas-lisp-based-dot-replacement
instead of specifying through options in R startup.
Uses Lisp-based dot-replacement defined by r-autoyas-r-based-dot-replacement
instead of specifying through options in R startup.
Defines if R-autoyas attempts to wrap end of lines.
R-autoyas use backward compatability?
Yasnippet backward compatability functions used in r-autoyas.el
Value: ((yas/expand-snippet yas-expand-snippet) (yas/active-field-overlay yas–active-field-overlay) (yas/wrap-around-region yas-wrap-around-region) (yas/moving-away-p yas-moving-away-p) (yas/expand yas-expand) (yas/modified-p yas-modified-p) (yas/moving-away-p yas-moving-away-p) (yas/text yas-text) (yas/skip-and-clear-or-delete-char yas-skip-and-clear-or-delete-char) (yas/snippet-fields yas–snippet-fields) (yas/snippets-at-point yas–snippets-at-point) (yas/update-mirrors yas–update-mirrors) (yas/fallback-behavior yas-fallback-behavior) (yas/minor-mode yas-minor-mode) (yas/field-probably-deleted-p yas–field-probably-deleted-p) (yas/field yas–field) (yas/field-text-for-display yas–field-text-for-display) (yas/snippet-control-overlay yas–snippet-control-overlay) (yas/exit-snippet yas-exit-snippet) (yas/check-commit-snippet yas–check-commit-snippet) (yas/define-snippets yas-define-snippets) (yas/after-exit-snippet-hook yas-after-exit-snippet-hook))
Cache of complex language statments for R-autoyas
- 18-Sep-2012
- Should be compatible with 0.6 and 0.8 versions of Yasnippet and fix issue #4 ()
- 17-Sep-2012
- Should now work with yasnippet 0.8 – Mostly fixes issue #4, but needs to confirm backward compatability with 0.6. ()
- 17-Sep-2012
- Added some more fixes to conform to the 0.8 style variables. ()
- 13-Sep-2012
- Did not catch yas–update-mirrors. Need to fix this. ()
- 12-Sep-2012
- Have attempted to make r-autoyas compatible with yasnippet 0.8. This will possibly address github issue #4 ()
- 04-Jun-2012
- Bug fix for autopair-mode (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 04-Jun-2012
- Changed syntax table for yas/expand so that write.csv will expand if you have a snippet named csv. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 04-Jun-2012
- Bug fix for autopair. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 07-May-2012
- Changed the syntax table for
so that when a snippetcsv
is defined and you expand at write.csv, write.csv will be expanded instead ofcsv
(Matthew L. Fidler) - 02-Feb-2012
- This package no longer auto-loads. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 29-Nov-2011
- Change the r-autoyas buffer to be hidden (ie ” r-autoyas”) (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 18-Nov-2011
- Added gihub URL (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 17-Nov-2011
- Fixed
to have a single argument. (Matthew L. Fidler) - 17-Nov-2011
- Added which to the default ignored parenthetical statements (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 17-Nov-2011
- Fixed
(Matthew L. Fidler) - 17-Nov-2011
- Added Forward compatablilty for (interactive-p) (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 17-Nov-2011
- Changed the order of r-autoyas alais of old (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-Nov-2011
- Changed ignored expressions to only be ignore when using a parenthesis, and added more ignored expressions (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-Nov-2011
- Updated to have better wrapping after exiting a snippet. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 08-Jun-2011
- A partial fix for noweb (Rnw) (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 06-Jun-2011
- Small update to fix lisp-based replacements. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 06-Jun-2011
- Added a bug-fix for complex language statements like reshape. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2011
- Bug Fixes for cached snippets. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2011
- Added wrapping capaibilites to code. Currently only works on Ctl-G. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2011
- Added option to remove explicit parameter names for functions if not needed. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2011
- Allow autopair backspace to delete autostarted template. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2011
- Changed language constructs to make sure its not a default text. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2011
- Changed quoting method to fix read.table() (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 16-May-2011
- Removed if (grepl(‘, ‘, str, fixed=TRUE)) str <- sub(‘, ‘, ”, str); from R code to fix write.table() (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 26-Apr-2011
- Now when using Control-G to exit snippets, it will not delete anything inside the snippet. For example, using ls(name=”.txt|”,…) where the cursor is at |, pressing Cntrl-G (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 26-Apr-2011
- Added a space to try to fix the strange duplication issues. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 25-Apr-2011
- Bug fix for nested auto-expansion using (. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 21-Apr-2011
- Tried to fix the autobrackets in r-auotyas. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 15-Apr-2011
- Bugfix for ess-eval-linewise option (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 15-Apr-2011
- Fixed autopair bug. (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 15-Apr-2011
- Changed
to useess-eval-linewise
in mering with Svens’ version. (Its an option) (Matthew L. Fidler) - 11-Apr-2011
- (Matthew L. Fidler)
- 10-Apr-2011
- 09-Apr-2011 Added autoload. ()
- 09-Apr-2011
- 30-Mar-2011 Matthew L. Fidler Attempted to allow nested expansion, as well as changing the mechanism of Yasnippet expansion. ()
- 25-Mar-2011
- (Matthew L. Fidler)