
A perl critic plugin for vim which creates marks and an awesome quickfix list of your not-so-quick to fix errors (and marks in the margins).

Primary LanguageVimL


A perl critic plugin for vim which creates marks and an awesome quickfix of your not-so-quick to fix errors.


Type <leader>cc (typically \cc), to fire up the quickfix list of your perl foibles.

To clear the signs from the margin, use:

    :sign unplace *

You can also set:

    autocmd! BufReadPost,BufWritePost,FileReadPost,FileWritePost *.pl call ShowCriticisms()
    autocmd! BufReadPost,BufWritePost,FileReadPost,FileWritePost *.pm call ShowCriticisms()

To have it run whenever you save or load a perl buffer.


The text, colours and criticism severity are configurable. To change them, just set the following variables.

    let g:crit_low_sev_guifg='#004400'
    let g:crit_low_sev_guibg='#004400'
    let g:crit_low_sev_text='⑶ '
    let g:crit_low_sev_ctermfg='green'
    let g:crit_low_sev_ctermbg='black'

    let g:crit_med_sev_guifg='#bbbb00'
    let g:crit_med_sev_guibg='#bbbb00'
    let g:crit_med_sev_text='② '
    let g:crit_med_sev_ctermfg='cyan'
    let g:crit_med_sev_ctermbg='black'

    let g:crit_high_sev_guifg='#ff2222'
    let g:crit_high_sev_guibg='#ff2222'
    let g:crit_high_sev_text='① '
    let g:crit_high_sev_ctermfg='black'
    let g:crit_high_sev_ctermbg='red'

    let g:crit_severity_level=3

Be warned, there is no sanity checking of these, and empty text variables don't work.

You'll need to ensure you've enabled ftplugin support. To do this, add:

    filetype plugin indent on

To your .vimrc


See: http://github.com/mattfoster/vim-Perl-Critic/issues