
snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.

Primary LanguageVimL



Michael Sanders


Rok Garbas




MarcWeber, lilydjwg, henrik, steveno, asymmetric, jherdman, ironcamel, honza, jb55, robhudson, kozo2, MicahElliott, darkwise, redpill, thisgeek, sickill, pose, marutanm, r00k, jbernard, holizz, muffinresearch, statik, Eustaquio Rangel

Why forking snipMate?

After several unsuccessful attempts of contacting Michael Sanders, no
commits in last half year and long pull request line on github (none of
pull requests were commented/replied/rejected) I decided to take action and
step up and bring some love to this widly used plugin.

But nothing to worry about. We all get busy, accupied with our daily work
or just lose interest in doing boring maintainance.

While reviewing pull requests on github.com/msanders I found lots of great
improvements and I decided to **friendly** fork it, review and apply patches
that were sent, notify all the patch submiters and decided to do
maintainance of snipmate.vim from now on. Ofcourse if somebody want to
help, please don't hesitate to write me, I'm open to all suggestions. The
only thing in what I'm not interested is leaving things like they are now.

Maybe I'll only maintain it for a while until Michael Sanders takes things
back into his hand or until some other super-hero shows up.

Tnx and happy snipmating, Rok Garbas, 2011-02-02


1.0 [Unreleased]

0.83 [2009-07-13]

How to install

Unfortunatly there are many ways to how to install vim plugins. If you don't see you prefered way of installation plugins please consider adding updating this section.

Important to note is that since version 1.0 we depend on this 2 vim plugins:

Using VAM

need to test and write howto


% cd ~/.vim % mkdir bundle -p % git submodule add git://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate.git bundle/snipmate



% git clone git://github.com/msanders/snipmate.vim.git % cd snipmate.vim % cp -R * ~/.vim

Then in vim:

:helptags ~/.vim/doc/

TODO / Future

  • Add documentation part on how to install with VAM [2011-02-07, garbas]
  • Notify all "forkers" about new home and ask them nicely to review already merged changes and possibly send they changes. [2011-02-07, garbas]
  • I'd like to investigate whether xptemplate or snipmate has the better engine. So maybe my vision of the future could be making xptemplate read snippet files. Its not imortant enough to me to work on it right now as snipmate works reasonable well for me. [2011-02-02, MarcWeber]