SDJS Speaker App

PRs Welcome

How to Contribute:

Working on your first Pull Request?

You can learn how from this free series: How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub.

Pre Requisites

Make sure to have these items installed. If you need help installing any of these, ask for help on the SDJS Slack.

  1. node 10<=x<=12
  2. npm (x>=6)
  3. docker

Getting Started

  1. Fork the project

fork repo screenshot

  1. Clone your fork

clone repo screenshot

$ git clone${YOUR-USERNAME}/sdjs-speaker-app.git
  1. Make sure you are in the right directory:
$ cd sdjs-speaker-app
  1. Add an upstream remote for keeping your local repository up-to-date:
$ git remote add upstream

Spinning up the Server

Within the server folder, we'll startup the database and backend.

$ cd sdjs-speaker-app/server

We'll run this docker-compose command to get MongoDB running. (This may take a while the first time.)

$ docker-compose up -d

The -d tells docker to run in the background, later if we want to see logs from the db we can use:

docker-compose logs --tail

We'll need to make a copy of the .env file.

Note: The admin user is only created when there is none in the db, so make sure to change those variables before running the server for the first time.

$ cp .env.example .env

Finally to run the backend app and initialize some config in the db, we'll install the dependencies and run the server.

$ npm i && npm run develop

Initializing the Frontend App

If you're going to run both apps at the same time, make sure to use a new terminal window/tab

$ cd sdjs-speaker-app/client
$ npm i && npm run dev

Reporting Bugs

  1. Click the "Issues" tab, or use this link to navigate there:

issues tab screenshot

  1. Click on the "New issue" button:

new issue button screenshot

  1. Click on the "Get started" button to open a new bug report:

bug report get started screenshot

  • Create a title (keep it short and descriptive).
  • Fill in the template with specific information about the bug.
  1. Click on the gear icon next to "Labels" and select the difficulty level required to fix the bug:

difficulty level screenshot

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Submit new issue" button:

submit new issue screenshot

Creating a new PR

  1. Make sure you are on the master branch, and you have pulled the latest changes:
$ git checkout master && git pull upstream master
  1. Create a new branch off of the master branch:
$ git checkout -b [NEW-BRANCH-NAME]

Branch naming conventions:

fix/[BRANCH-NAME] for bug fixes

feature/[BRANCH-NAME] for new features

dev/[BRANCH-NAME] for non-user-facing changes

The [BRANCH-NAME] portion should be kebab case. For example, if you want to update the file, your branch could be called dev/update-readme.

  1. Make changes and commit them:
$ git add . && git commit -m "[YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE]"

The subject of a commit message (the first line) should be 72 characters or less. If you need more room for a longer explanation of your changes, you can add a blank line below the subject and write a commit body. The commit message should be in present-imperative tense ("Update" rather than "Updates" or "Updated").

  1. Push your branch to your fork:
$ git push -u origin [BRANCH-NAME]
  1. Open a new PR against the master branch from your fork using the GitHub user interface.