This is a short coding assignment, in which you will be asked to implement an API in PHP that calls a "backend API" to get information about crash test ratings for vehicles. The underlying API that is to be used here is the NHTSA NCAP 5 StarSafety Ratings API. This requires no sign up / authentication on your part, and you are not required to study it. The exact calls that you need to use are provided in this document.
In order to try this application you need install docker ce and docker compose. The following instructions are for a GNU/Linux system but can be easily followed in another system. It also assume you have git installed but it works exactly the same if you download the zip file with the code.
After follow the steps described below, you can try de API using Postman and importing the apimc.postman_collection.json file.
Clone the repository(also works downloading the zip file)
git clone
Enter to the directory of the app
cd challenge-mc
To run the application in development, you need install the dependencies.
docker-compose exec -u 1000 web composer install
After installing this, you may need to configure some permissions. Directories
within the storage
and the bootstrap/cache
directories should be writable
by your web server or Laravel will not run.
Now you simply run
docker-compose up -d
and then you can start trying the endpoints(http://localhost:8080/vehicles).
Alternative, if you don't want to use Docker, you can use PHP7.2 and Composer.
Clone the repository(also works downloading the zip file)
git clone
Enter the repository folder and then to the app folder
cd challenge-m/apimc
Install the dependencies
composer install
Run the development server
composer start
and then you can start trying the endpoints(http://localhost:8080/vehicles).
You can try the API after follow the step A) or B) using this endpoints
GET http://localhost:8080/vehicles
POST http://localhost:8080/vehicles
Also there are automatized tests that you can run with composer
cd challenge-m/apimc
composer test
Or if you are using Docker Compose
cd challenge-mc
docker-compose exec -u 1000 web composer test