
React JS wrapper for Snapchats Pixel

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Snapchat Pixel


React JS wrapper for Snapchat's Pixel

Its more or less a copy of react-facebook-pixel by Zain Sajjad but adapted for Snapchat's pixel.


npm install react-snapchat-pixel


yarn add react-snapchat-pixel

How to use

import ReactPixel from 'react-snapchat-pixel';

const userIdentification = { user_email: 'some@email.com' }; // optional
const options = {
    debug: false, 		// enable logs
ReactPixel.init('yourPixelIdGoesHere', userIdentification, options);

ReactPixel.pageView(); 					// For tracking page view
ReactPixel.track( event, data ) 		// For tracking default events, more info about events and data https://businesshelp.snapchat.com/en-US/article/purchase-event

if you're bundling in CI

  componentDidMount() {
    const ReactPixel =  require('react-snapchat-pixel');

otherwise CI will complain there's no window.

Dev Server

npm run start

Default dev server runs at localhost:8080 in browser. You can set IP and PORT in webpack.config.dev.js

Production Bundle

npm run bundle