GamestonkTerminal About
Gamestonk Terminal is an awesome stock market terminal that has been developed for fun, while I saw my GME shares tanking. But hey, I like the stock 💎🙌.
The implementation (in python) allows to easily add more commands, and expand on their configuration.
Feel free to request features, I'll be happy to work on them on my spare time.
Table of contents
The main menu allows the following commands:
load -t S_TICKER [-s S_START_DATE] [-i {1,5,15,30,60}]
view -t S_TICKER [-s S_START_DATE] [-i {1,5,15,30,60}] [--type N_TYPE]
With their functions being:
- Load stock ticker to perform analysis on
- -s : The starting date (format YYYY-MM-DD) of the stock
- -i : Intraday stock minutes
- Clear previously loaded stock ticker.
- Visualise historical data of a stock. An alpha_vantage key is necessary.
- -s : The starting date (format YYYY-MM-DD) of the stock
- -i : Intraday stock minutes
- --type : 1234 corresponds to types: 1. open; 2. high; 3.low; 4. close; while 14 corresponds to types: 1.open; 4. close
Note: Until a ticker is loaded, the menu will only show disc and sen menu, as the others require a ticker being provided.
Discover Stocks
map S&P500 index stocks map [Finviz]
sectors show sectors performance [Alpha Vantage]
gainers show latest top gainers [Yahoo Finance]
orders orders by Fidelity Customers [Fidelity]
up_earnings upcoming earnings release dates [Seeking Alpha]
high_short show top high short interest stocks of over 20% ratio [www.highshortinterest.com]
low_float show low float stocks under 10M shares float [www.lowfloat.com]
simply_wallst Simply Wall St. research data [Simply Wall St.]
spachero great website for SPACs research [SpacHero]
uwhales good website for SPACs research [UnusualWhales]
Market Sentiment
wsb show what WSB gang is up to in subreddit wallstreetbets
watchlist show other users watchlist
popular show popular tickers
spac_c show other users spacs announcements from subreddit SPACs community
spac show other users spacs announcements from other subs
bullbear estimate quick sentiment from last 30 messages on board
messages output up to the 30 last messages on the board
trending trending stocks
stalker stalk stocktwits user's last messages
infer infer about stock's sentiment from latest tweets
sentiment in-depth sentiment prediction from tweets over time
mentions interest over time based on stock's mentions
regions regions that show highest interest in stock
queries top related queries with this stock
rise top rising related queries with stock
Research Web pages
macroaxis www.macroaxis.com
yahoo www.finance.yahoo.com
finviz www.finviz.com
marketwatch www.marketwatch.com
fool www.fool.com
businessinsider www.markets.businessinsider.com
fmp www.financialmodelingprep.com
fidelity www.eresearch.fidelity.com
tradingview www.tradingview.com
marketchameleon www.marketchameleon.com
stockrow www.stockrow.com
barchart www.barchart.com
grufity www.grufity.com
fintel www.fintel.com
zacks www.zacks.com
macrotrends www.macrotrends.net
newsfilter www.newsfilter.io
resources www.tradinganalysisresources.com
Fundamental Analysis
Daily Stock: BB (from 2020-06-04)
screener screen info about the company [Finviz]
mgmt management team of the company [Business Insider]
Market Watch API
income income statement of the company
assets assets of the company
liabilities liabilities and shareholders equity of the company
operating cash flow operating activities of the company
investing cash flow investing activities of the company
financing cash flow financing activities of the company
Yahoo Finance API
info information scope of the company
shrs hareholders of the company
sust sustainability values of the company
cal calendar earnings and estimates of the company
Alpha Vantage API
overview overview of the company
income income statements of the company
balance balance sheet of the company
cash cash flow of the company
earnings earnings dates and reported EPS
Financial Modeling Prep API
profile profile of the company
quote quote of the company
enterprise enterprise value of the company over time
dcf discounted cash flow of the company over time
inc income statements of the company
bal balance sheet of the company
cashf cash flow of the company
metrics key metrics of the company
ratios financial ratios of the company
growth financial statement growth of the company
Technical Analysis
ema exponential moving average
sma simple moving average
vwap volume weighted average price
cci commodity channel index
macd moving average convergence/divergence
rsi relative strength index
stoch stochastic oscillator
adx average directional movement index
aroon aroon indicator
bbands bollinger bands
ad chaikin accumulation/distribution line values
obv on balance volume
Due Diligence
news latest news of the company [Finviz]
red gets due diligence from another user's post [Reddit]
analyst analyst prices and ratings of the company [Finviz]
rating rating of the company from strong sell to strong buy [FMP]
pt price targets over time [Business Insider]
est quarter and year analysts earnings estimates [Business Insider]
ins insider activity over time [Business Insider]
insider insider trading of the company [Finviz]
sec SEC filings [Market Watch]
short short interest [Quandl]
warnings company warnings according to Sean Seah book [Market Watch]
Prediction Techniques
sma simple moving average
knn k-Nearest Neighbors
linear linear regression (polynomial 1)
quadratic quadratic regression (polynomial 2)
cubic cubic regression (polynomial 3)
regression regression (other polynomial)
arima autoregressive integrated moving average
prophet Facebook's prophet prediction
mlp MultiLayer Perceptron
rnn Recurrent Neural Network
lstm Long-Short Term Memory
This project was written and tested with Python 3.6.8.
In order to install all libraries used by this repository, you must run
pip install -r requirements.txt
and then:
pip install git+https://github.com/DidierRLopes/TimeSeriesCrossValidation
where the latest is a library that I made to split the time-series data for training, validation and testing. See more information at https://github.com/DidierRLopes/TimeSeriesCrossValidation.
Note: The libraries specified in the requirements.txt file have been tested and work for the purpose of this project, however, these may be older versions. Hence, it is recommended for the user to set up a virtual python environment previous to install these. This allows to keep dependencies required by different projects in separate places.
API Keys
The project is build around several different API calls, whether it is to access historical data or finantials.
These are the ones where a key is necessary:
- Alpha Vantage: https://www.alphavantage.co
- Financial Modeling Prep: https://financialmodelingprep.com/developer
- Quandl: https://www.quandl.com/tools/api
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps
- Twitter: https://developer.twitter.com
When these are obtained, don't forget to update config_terminal.txt
"A few things I am not. I am not a cat. I am not an institutional investor, nor am I a hedge fund. I do not have clients and I do not provide personalized investment advice for fees or commissions." DFV
If you like this project, and would like me to maintain it and keep adding features, feel free to buy me a coffee!