
A simple Rails template for new BDD projects

Primary LanguageRuby


Make sure you have postgres installed locally. You will be prompted to provide the username and password for it, so ensure you have these details to hand.

Database details will be added to the default section of database.yml, so the tests will run.

cd parent/directory
gem install rails
rails new your_app_name -T -d postgresql -m 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattgibson/seed/master/template.rb'

What's installed

  • Rails at the latest version
  • Cucumber
  • Rspec
  • Factory girl

Databases are created. Files are committed to git in their final state.

Other requirements

To create and run JavaScript Cucumber tests, tag the scenarios with @javascript and make sure you have PhantomJS installed:

OSX: brew install phantomjs

Test helpers

See the /features/support/general_steps.rb file for handy Cucumber steps.

If you have defined a model as @model_name in a previous step, then using When I visit the edit model name page will automatically follow the correct path.

Add extra non-standard path names to /features/support/paths.rb


Use the @vcr tag on Cucumber features to cause a new casette to be created as /fixtures/vcr_cassettes/feature_name/sceanrio_name.yml