
An application for movie and book lovers

Primary LanguageJavaScript



About The Project:

Description: Easy to use application that will generate random movies or books based on a selected genre/category. Motivation for development? Spend half an hour moaning about trying to find something to watch and always moaning that you watch too much TV and should read more. User story (1): As a user, I want a small but random choice of movies, so that my selection easier. User story (2): As a user, I want a selection of books returned, so that I can choose something new to read.

Built With: Javascript, CSS, HTML, Tailwind, Google Books API, tMBD APi, Streaming Availability API

Challenges API data not matching original ideas > leading to change in scope. Refactoring code for movie results. Naming conventions. Merge/Git issues. Tailwind components / cdn.

Successes Communication / work balance Code refactoring (from 800 lines to 50) UI / Functionality

User Instructions: From homepage select either books or movies, then select a Genre. After selecting a genre view the information provided on the results cards. Use the back button to navigate to homepage to repeat on the other section.

Roadmap: Add a feature where a user can save movies and books which will append to a saved section Add feature to allow multiple genres to be selected or add which streaming services you have and results are filtered on that.

Contributors: Matthew Williams Matthew McKenna Paulin Fansi