
GUILE-GEODESIC is a GNU Guile module for geodesic functions.

Primary LanguageSchemeGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

 [ GUILE - G E O D E S I C ]


GUILE-GEODESIC is a guile module for calculating the inverse and direct geodesic functions.


GUILE-GEODESIC provides the followng module(s):

- (geodesic geod)
  (use-modules (geodesic geod))

-- Module: geod
   This module provides public functions for discovering the inverse and direct geodesic problems.
   The functions provided in this module link to algorithms in the formulae module to provide simple
   functions to access the various algorithms.

-- Scheme Procedure: gds-distance lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 #:ellps #:units #:formula
   Return the distance between the points LON-1 LAT-1 and LON-2 LAT-2, 
   using the specified input ellipsoid and output units.
   The default ellipsoid is WGS84 and the default units are Meters (m)
   The default formula used is the inverse Vincenty formula.
   See `gds-ellps' and `gds-units' for key values.

-- Scheme Procedure gds-inverse lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 #:ellps #:units #:formula
   Solve the inverse geodesic problem given two points x1 y1 x2 y2
   The default ellipsoid is WGS84 and the default units are Meters (m)
   Return a list: `(distance forward-azimuth return-azimuth)'
   The default formula used is the inverse Vincenty formula.
   See `gds-ellps' and `gds-units' for key values.

-- Scheme Procedure: gds-direct lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 #:ellps #:units #:formula
   Solve the direct geodesic problem given an origin point x1 y1, a foward azimuth a1 and a distance s1.
   The default ellipsoid is WGS84 and the default input units are Meters (m).
   Return a list: `(lon-2 lat-2 return-azimuth)'
   The default formula used is the inverse Vincenty formula.
   See `gds-ellps' and `gds-units' for key values.


- (gedoesic formulae)
  (use-modules (geodesic formulae))

-- Module: formulae
   This module holds the various geodesic algorithms. Most of the time the geod module is all that is needed,
   but if there is a need to used the lower-level functions, use this module.