
🤓 Using machine learning to build better Spotify playlists 🎸

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dependency Status devDependency Status

Brainify creates smart Spotify playlists using machine learning techniques.

Read the blog post about Brainify

Watch the YouTube walkthrough

Brainify Mockup


Getting Started

Download or clone the project to your machine. You will need a Spotify API key to run the project locally.

Create a SpotifyConfig.js file inside the app directory with the following:

'use strict';

function SpotifyAPISetup(SpotifyProvider) {
  SpotifyProvider.setScope('user-read-private playlist-read-private playlist-modify-private playlist-modify-public');

module.exports = SpotifyAPISetup;

Firebase configuration settings are not included in this repo.

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Run npm run build to build Brainify locally.

Machine learning techniques

Brainify relies on Synaptic.js to create neural networks that learn a user's music preferences.