Movie Ticket Calculator

Calculates movie ticket price based on three factors: age, time of day and release date, June 16, 2020

By Matthew Craig and Emma Hellman


This website calculates movie ticket price based on age, time of day and release date. The age fields include kid, adult and senior. The time of day includes morning, afternoon and evenings. The old movies are The Shining and Gone With the Wind and the new movies include Wizard of Oz and Trainspotting.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Input Output
Program offers a set of movies, times, and ages to choose from "The Shining", "Evening", "Adult" "Your movie is The Shining, in the evening, $10
Program takes info from a form and returns your choices with an adjusted price "The Shining", "Morning", "Senior" "Your movie is The Shining, in the morning, $8

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • This is a great place
  • to list setup instructions
  • in a simple
  • easy-to-understand
  • format

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Known Bugs

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Support and contact details

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Technologies Used

Virtual Studio Code


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