Address Book

An website that contain info of address book , Created 06/15/2020

By Matthew Craig, Mook Dang


We follow along with the homework assignment and worked on address book to understand more details how to build the JavaScript.

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Input Output
program takes an ID number, returns a username 03 Jane Doe
program creates a unique ID for each contact name Jane Doe 03
program lists all user names Address Book Jane Doe, John Doe, Jan Doe, etc
program stores info for each contact, first name, last name, phone number Jane, Doe, 555-2125 Jane Doe 555-2125

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Open the VS code and Open the web tabe
  2. Type the id to find the info

Known Bugs

No Known Bugs

Support and contact details

For support Contact Matthew Craig, Mook Dang

Technologies Used

We used the Javascript, HTML, CSS, and jQuery.


Copyright (c) 2016 Matthew Craig, Mook Dang