
Realtime distributed message processing at scale

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT

NSQ Puppet Module for Boxen

Build Status

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NSQ is a realtime message processing system designed to operate at bitly's scale, handling billions of messages per day.


include nsq

This will launch nsqd and nsqlookupd as services, and point nsqd at nsqlookupd.

The nsqadmin web UI will also be set up at localhost:14171.

Required Puppet Modules

  • boxen
  • homebrew


Once installed, you can access the following variables in your environment, projects, etc:

  • BOXEN_NSQD_TCP_PORT: the configured nsqd TCP port (default 14150)
  • BOXEN_NSQD_HTTP_PORT: the configured nsqd HTTP port (default 14151)
  • BOXEN_NSQLOOKUPD_TCP_PORT: the configured nsqlookupd TCP port (default 14160)
  • BOXEN_NSQLOOKUPD_HTTP_PORT: the configured nsqlookupd HTTP port (default 14161)


Write code. Run script/cibuild to test it. Check the script directory for other useful tools.