
Python Study Notes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Notes

What is a virtual environment?

  • It represents an isolated environment to manage dependencies without them conflicting with other projects.

How to create a venv?

  • In the root of your new project, run the following command in your terminal: python -m venv .venv

How to use venv?

  • After entering venv, install the project dependencies (modules, libs in general)

How to exit/deactivate venv?

  • To exit venv, simply execute the following command, or close the terminal.


List dependencies with requirements.txt

  • To install the requests module, run:

pip install requests

Listing installed dependencies:

  • To view the dependencies and their installed versions:

pip freeze

Saving dependencies in requirements.txt

  • Store all installed dependencies:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

What are dictionaries in python?

  • Dictionaries in python is a type of structure that stores information in key and value pairs. Each key is unique for accessing and selecting the corresponding value.
person = {
       "name": "Mattheus",
       "age": 21,
       "contact": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattheuspereira/"

Information grouping

  • Dictionaries are useful for organizing and retrieving data efficiently.
print(f"Name: { person['name'] }")
print(f"Age: { person['age'] }")
print(f"Contact: { person['contact'] }")

Note that with a single person variable, we can store different types of information, such as name, age and contact.

List of dictionaries

  • We can also build dictionary lists and display the information through loops:

creating a list of dictionaries

people = [
       { "name": "Mattheus", "age": 27 },
       { "name": "Jessica", "age": 32 },
       { "name": "Lucas", "age": 18 },

displaying users in a loop in the list

for p in people:
       print(f"Name: { p['name'] }, Age: { p['age'] }")

Name: Matheus, Age: 21
Name: Jessica, Age: 28
Name: Lucas, Age: 30

Adding new information to the dictionary

We can add new information to the dictionary as follows:

creating a dictionary with initial information

player = {
       "name": "Mattheus",
       "level 1

adding new keys and values to the dictionary

player['life'] = 100
player['damage'] = 25.2
player['clan'] = "Pythonists"
player['leader_clan'] = True

displaying the dictionary with the added information



       'name': 'Mattheus',
       'level 1,
       'life': 100,
       'damage': 25.2,
       'clan': 'Pythonists',
       'leader_clan': True


  • Changes the execution flow of our programs

Structure of a conditional

if (condition) // do something

or else (other condition) // do something

otherwise // do something

  • The condition must be true for the instruction block to be executed.

  • We can use operators, variables, and even call functions with returns to validate a conditional.

Examples using python

age = 18

if age >= 18

elif age >=16:

elif age >=13:
       print ("pre teenager")


In the example above, I created a variable called age, which takes the value of 18.

Then I created some conditions to display a message

  1. If the age is greater than or equal to 18: adult

  2. Or, if the age is greater than or equal to 16: teenager

  3. Or, if the age is greater than or equal to 13: pre-adolescent

  4. Otherwise: child


  • These are ordered collections of items in Python

  • The indices in a list can be of different types and can be accessed through indexes.

Example using Python

´´´ fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'] print (fruits[0]) ´´´

Repetitions (loops)

  • 'for' and 'while' are control structures used to execute a block of code multiple times.

  • 'for' is generally used when the number of iterations is known in advance.

  • 'while is when the stopping condition is not known in advance.

Example of 'for' in Python

for number in range (5): print(number)

'while' example in python

counter = 0 while counter <5: print (counter) counter +=1


  • Dictionaries are data structures that store key-value pairs

  • Each value is associated with a unique key, allowing quick access to data.

Example used python

´´´student={'name': 'João', 'age':20, 'course': 'Engineering'} print(student['age'])

Functions and parameters

  • Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task and can be reused in different parts of the program.

  • Parameters are values that can be passed to a function to customize its behavior.

Python example

´´´ def greeting(name): print(f''Hello, {name}'')

greeting('Maria') ´´´