Casa Criativa

A application to add some ideas that you thought into the lockdown of the pandemic

Last commit on GitHub Made by Matheus Project top programing language GitHub license

Built with   |    How to run   |    Licence   |    Get in touch

🚀 Built with

This project was developed with the following technologies:

ℹ️ How to run


To run the app, you will need Git, Node.js v12.13.1 or higher, Npm, SQLite3.


Now clone the repository and install the dependencies.

# to clone the repository
git clone

# go into the folder
cd CasaCriativa/

#install the backend dependencies
npm install

run application

npm run dev

📄 License

This project is under the MIT license.

📬 Get in touch!

Made with ☕ and ♥ by Matheus.