Matt Derps With Rails!

I don't really remember how to Rails. I miss Rails. I miss Ruby. Therefore, I'm derping with it. ❤️

Current status of derping is just going through Michael Hartl's tutorial. (This is kind of the Rails tutorial.) Here's where I've left off.

Get Up and Running, So You, Too, Can Derp!

Or, if future-Matt comes along and has forgotten how to derp with Rails...

  1. bundle install: Install the dependencies! We're in the beautiful land of Ruby, so instead of node_modules, these beauties are called gems. 🙂 Check out Gemfile. It's like package.json.
  2. rails db:create: Create the development database! (This will create an instance of a sqlite3 database.)
  • Or, if you are starting over:
    • rails db:reset: This will drop the entire database before creating it.
  1. rails db:migrate: Run the migration file to create the users table! (Look inside db/migrate/ to find the single migration file.)
  2. rails db:seed: Create some initial users. (This runs db/seeds.rb.)
  3. rails server: Start up the app!
  1. Go to the address where your app is running! You did it, maybe!