
Use jQuery to build a basic calculator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery Calculator

Use jQuery to build a basic calculator using the provided HTML and CSS.


More specifically, the app should allow a user to do the following.

  • Click an operand or operator button to append its corresponding text to the screen.
    • If the screen displays the message Error, don't append anything.
  • Click the clear button to remove all the text from the screen.
  • Click the equals button to evaluate the arithmetic expression shown in the screen.
    • If the expression is in format operand(+|-|x|÷)operand, evaluate the expression and update the screen with the result.
    • If the expression isn't in the correct format or when attempting to divide by zero, update the screen with the message Error.

Bonus 1

Try to solve the exercise without changing the existing HTML nested inside the buttons-container tag.

Bonus 2

Try to evaluate the expression without using the eval() function.

Bonus 3

Enhance the calculator so users can input arithmetic expressions using their keyboard. More specifically, the app should allow a user to do the following.

  • Type an arithmetic expression directly to the screen.
  • Press the Enter key to evaluate the screen's expression.
  • Press the Escape key to clear the screen.

TIP: You'll have to change the screen to an <input> tag.


Review the following articles on the Surge platform and then deploy your website to production.

A good domain name for this project is USERNAME-jquery-calculator.surge.sh where USERNAME is your GitHub username in all lowercase letters. Once deployed and everything works as you expect, copy the URL to your site and paste it below.