PM Design Technologist Practicals


These practicals are designed to test your skills and technique across both disciplines: front-end web development and UX design.

First Steps

You should clone this repo to your local machine.


Final Deliverable

FE Dev Practical

Project Folder: pmdt-fe

Read pmdt-fe/ for more info on the development environment that has been set up for you. Note: you do not need to use the setup provided. If you'd like to use a different build tool, you may, but the output must consist of static .html, .css, and .js files.


  1. Your source code should consist of vanilla HTML files, CSS (or Sass), and JS (if applicable). Frameworks or libraries like React, Svelte, Vue, and Angular are not allowed. Templating languages such as Handlebars and Liquid are not allowed.
  2. CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Tailwind, or are not allowed. CSS tools that are allowed:
  • Sass (.scss)
  • CSS resets or variations of this concept, such as normalize.css.
  • You ma


UX Practical

Project Folder: pmdt-ux

