
A distributed key-value store implementing Raft and written in Go.

Primary LanguageGo


DougDB is a distributed key-value store making use of the following technologies/patterns:

  • Raft for replication.
  • SSTables for optimising for high write throughput.
  • WAL for fault-tolerance.
  • Facade for entrypoint and partition routing on keys to multiple clusters.
  • Synchronous consistency and eventual consistency option (eventual consistency to allow reads from followers).

This is not intended for production use, but as a fun exercise to learn and experiment.


  • Hydrating log from startup should apply committed entries to state machine.
  • Entries need to have defined structure and checksum to validate good writes.

Future work

  • Cluster membership changes.


  • Need 5 nodes in the cluster
  • The Doug gRPC service is what clients will communicate with
  • The Doug gRPC service will issue RPCs to other node's Raft gRPC service
  • The Doug gRPC service is what will redirect clients to the current leader
  • A candidate node can time out and start a new election an increment the term
  • Leader's need to send periodic heartbeats with empty entries if no activity
  • Followers need to trigger leader election if no entry received from leader for some time - called election timeout
  • Beginning an election:
    • Transitions the follower to candidate state and increments current term
    • Candidate votes for itself and issued RequestVote RPc in parallel to all nodes
    • Candidate will remain in this state until either:
      • It wins the election
      • Another server establishes itself as leader
      • The election times out
  • A candidate wins if it receives a majority for the same term
  • A node can only vote for a single candidate per term
  • Incrementing a term must nullify the current vote
  • Election timeouts are randomised to mitigate split brain elections
  • Candidates and followers both have election timeouts (also used for missed heartbeats)
  • We'll use 150-300ms as the election timeout random bounds
  • When a candidate becomes leader, it initialises all nextIndex values to the index after the latest entry in the new leader's log
  • Commits currently block until a majority has accepted - I should instead make use of a buffer to continue accepting requests and have a single process issue AppendEntries RPCs