
💎 Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API

This package helps you quickly to build requests for REST API. Move your logic and backend requests to dedicated classes. Keep your code clean and elegant.

🔥 If you use Laravel, this package matches perfectly with spatie/laravel-query-builder.

Basic usage

Give me the result for a given criteria, include some entities, append extra fields and order the result!

// GET /posts?filter[status]=ACTIVE&include=user,category&append=likes&orderBy=-created_at,category_id

let posts = await Post
  .where('status', 'ACTIVE')
  .include('user', 'category')
  .orderBy('-created_at', 'category_id')  

Just give me the first occurrence from response:

// GET /posts?filter[status]=ACTIVE

let post = await Post
  .where('status', 'ACTIVE')

Nice! Now I want a specific object:

// GET /posts/1

let post = await Post.find(1)

Edit this and send it back:

// PUT /posts/1 

post.title = 'Awsome!'

Ops, delete it!

// DELETE /posts/1


Let's create a new object and post it:

let post = new Post({title: 'Cool!'})

// or

let post = new Post({})
post.title = 'Another one'

// POST /post


We can use relationships:

// GET /users/1
let user = await User.find(1)

// GET users/1/posts
let posts = await user


yarn add vue-api-query


Create a plugin ~/plugins/vue-api-query.js

// inject global axios instance as http client to Model  

import { Model } from 'vue-api-query'

export default function (ctx, injext) {  
  Model.$http = ctx.$axios

And register it on nuxt.config.js

plugins: [


Set up on src/main.js


import axios from 'axios'
import { Model } from 'vue-api-query'

// inject global axios instance as http client to Model
Model.$http = axios



Define a base model

Your base model should extend from vue-api-query Model. Use base models is good practice in order to abstract configurations from your domain models.


import { Model as BaseModel } from 'vue-api-query'

export default class Model extends BaseModel {

  // define a base url for a REST API
  baseURL () {
    return 'http://my-api.com'

  // implement a default request method 
  request (config) {
    return this.$http.request(config)

Define your domain models

Just extends from your base model, implement the resource() method... and done!


import Model from './Model'

export default class User extends Model {
    return 'users'

But, if your model does not work with default primary key ('id'),you need to override the primaryKey() method:

import Model from './Model'

export default class User extends Model {
    return 'someId'

Of course you can add extra methods and computed properties like this:

import Model from './Model'

export default class User extends Model {
  // computed properties are reactive -> user.fullname
  // make sure to use "get" prefix 
  get fullname()
    return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}`

  // method -> user.makeBirthday()
    this.age += 1


You can set up relationships:

import Model from './Model'
import Post from './Post'

export default class User extends Model {

  posts () {
    return this.hasMany(Post)

It's ok if in some situations you need to call a custom resource from a already defined model. You can override dynamically the default resource calling custom() method.

// GET /posts
let posts = await Post.get()

// GET /posts/latest
let latest = await Post

The custom() method can be called with multiple arguments to build resource endpoints and hierarchies. Simply supply them in the correct order. Any combination of strings and models is possible.

    let user = new User({ id: 1 })
    let post = new Post()

    // GET /users/1/posts/latest
    const result = await Post.custom(user, post, 'latest').get()

Full example


import Model from './Model'

export default class Post extends Model {
  // done :)
    return 'posts'


import Model from './Model'
import Post from './Post'

export default class User extends Model {  
    return 'users'

  posts () {
    return this.hasMany(Post)

  // computed properties :)
  get fullname()
    return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}`

  // methods :)
    this.age += 1

If the backend responds with ...

// response from API for /users/1
  id: 1,
  firstname: "John",
  lastname: "Doe",
  age: 25

We can do this:

//GET /users/1
let user = await User.find(1)

console.log(user.fullname) // John Doe


Then save() method will send back the new payload:

// PUT /users/1
  firstname: "John",
  lastname: "Doe",
  age: 26 //<--- changed

You also can do that:

//GET /posts?filter[status]=ACTIVE,ARCHIVED

let posts = await Post
  .whereIn('status', ['ACTIVE', 'ARCHIVED'])

If you like the "promise way" just do it like this:

// single object

let user

  .where('status', 'ACTIVE')
  .then(response => {
    user = response

// array of objects

let users

  .where('status', 'ACTIVE')
  .then(response => {
    users = response
    // or (depending on backend response)

    users = response.data 

And in some page/component:

    {{ user }}

  Posts from user:
    {{ posts }}
import User from '@/models/User'

export default {
    return {
      user: {},
      posts: {}
  async mounted()
    this.user = await User.find(1)
    this.posts = await this.user.posts().get()


// GET /users/1
let user = await User.find(1)

// GET /users/1/posts
let posts = await user.posts().get()

// Yes, you can do that before getting the posts
let posts = await user

If you like nested relationships ...

// GET /posts/{id_post}/comments

let comments = await this.post.comments().get()

// Pick any comment from list and edit it

let comment = comments[0]
comment.text = 'Changed!'

// PUT /posts/{id_post}/comments/{id_comment}

await comment.save() 

// DELETE /posts/{id_post}/comments/{id_comment}

await comment.delete() 

Creating new related objects is easy. Just use the for() method, passing the related object.

  let post = new Post({title: 'Woo!'})  

  // POST /posts
  await post.save()

  let comment = new Comment({text: 'New one for this post'}).for(post)

  // POST /posts/1/comments
  await comment.save()

The for() method can take multiple objects to build hierarchy levels.

  let user = new User({id: 1})
  let post = await user.posts().first()
  // Related objects go in order of their appearance in the URL.
  let comment = new Comment({text: 'for() takes multiple objects.'}).for(user, post)

  // POST /users/1/posts/1/comments
  await comment.save()

If you need to get a nested resource, without getting the parent model at first, you can do something like this.

// GET /users/1/posts

let User = new User({id: 1})
let Post = await User.posts().get()

// GET /users/1/posts/2
let User = new User({id: 1})
let Post = await User.posts().find(2)

And just for convenience you can POST or PUT with any payload to backend:

// POST /posts/{id_post}/comments

await this.posts.comments().attach(payload) 

// PUT /posts/{id_post}/comments

await this.posts.comments().sync(payload) 


// GET /users?sort=firstname&page=1&limit=20

let users = await User        

Selecting fields

Just want only some fields?

// GET posts?fields[posts]=title,content

let post = await Post
   .select(['title', 'content'])

With related entities:

// GET posts?include=user&fields[posts]=title,content&fields[user]=firstname,age

let post = await Post
      posts: ['title', 'content'],
      user: ['age', 'firstname']

TIP: If you are using spatie/laravel-query-builder, when using related entities, you must pass extra fields:

// GET posts?include=user&fields[posts]=title,content,user_id&fields[user]=id,firstname,age

let post = await Post
      posts: ['title', 'content', 'user_id'],  //user_id
      user: ['id', 'age', 'firstname']         //id

Custom params

If you need to pass any extra param not provided by vue-api-query pattern, just use the params() method while querying:

// GET /users?doSomething=yes&process=no

let users = await User
    doSomething: 'yes',
    process: 'no'

Of course you can chain it with other methods, including on relationships.

// GET /posts/1/comments?include=user&blah=123

let comments = await post
  .params({blah: 123})

Customize query parameters name

If you need to change default values just override parametersName() on your Base Model. So, the generated query string will use this new values.


import { Model as BaseModel } from 'vue-api-query'

export default class Model extends BaseModel {

  parameterNames () {
    return {
      include: 'include_custom',
      filter: 'filter_custom',
      sort: 'sort_custom',
      fields: 'fields_custom',
      append: 'append_custom',
      page: 'page_custom',
      limit: 'limit_custom'

Response from backend

This package automatically handles the response from backend and convert it into an instance of a such Model.

Single object

If your backend responds with the following response...

// Note: the response data is the root element with no 'data' wrapper
  id: 1,
  firstname: 'John',
  lastname: 'Doe',
  age: 25

Then using find() and first() will work as expected and will hydrate the response into the User Model.

let user = await User.find(1)

// or

let user = await User.first()

// will work - an instance of User was created from response


However, if the backend sends a response like this...

// Note: the response is wrapped with 'data' attribute...
data: {
    id: 1,
    firstname: 'John',
    lastname: 'Doe',
    age: 25

...then the above would fail. If your backend wraps single objects with a data attribute too then you should use the fetch method of find (which is $find()) instead to automatically hydrate the Model with the response data:

let user = await User.$find(1)

// or

let user = await User.$first()

// will work, because an instance of User was created from response


This WILL NOT be converted into User model, because the main data is not the root element or it is not wrapped by data attribute.

user: {  
    id: 1,
    firstname: 'John',
    lastname: 'Doe',
    age: 25

Array of objects

An array of items from backend would be converted in the same way, ONLY if it responds in these formats:

let users = await User.get()
// works - array of object is the root element
    id: 1,
    firstname: 'John',
    lastname: 'Doe',
    age: 25
    id: 2,
    firstname: 'Mary',
    lastname: 'Doe',
    age: 22
// works - `data` exists in the root and contains the array of objects 
  data: [
      id: 1,
      firstname: 'John',
      lastname: 'Doe',
      age: 25
      id: 2,
      firstname: 'Mary',
      lastname: 'Doe',
      age: 22
  someField: '',
  anotherOne: '',  

// Normally you would handle the response like this

let response = User.get()
let users = response.data

// or like this

const { data } = User.get()
let users  = data

// but you can use the "fetch style request" with "$get()"

let users = await User.$get()

This WILL NOT be converted into an array of User model.

  users: [
      id: 1,
      firstname: 'John',
      lastname: 'Doe',
      age: 25
      id: 2,
      firstname: 'Mary',
      lastname: 'Doe',
      age: 22
  someField: '',
  anotherOne: '',  


Why another package if we have those? Because currently (march, 2018) they restricted backend response to JSON API specification.


Twitter @robsontenorio