Threading Assignment


  • Read data from employee csv and department csv.
  • Merge data on department id and write to new csv

How to Install

mvn clean install conpile package

How to Run

java -jar target/threading-assignment-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --employee-data={EMPLOYEE_DATA_FILE_PATH} --department-data={DEPARTMENT_DATA_FILE_PATH} --output={OUTPUT_FILE_PATH}
  • Command line args:

    • --employee-data
    • --department-data
    • --output
  • If the command line args are not provided, the default parameters are pointing to the files in the src/main/resources.

    • This was done during the testing phase when I was running the project within the project folder.
  • Please note the app assumes that the structure of the csv provided need to match the number of columns and column type.

Data Types

  • Employee
  • Department
  • Merged on Department Id


Name Type
ID int
Name String
Age int
Date of Hire String
Department int


Name Type
Department Id int
Department Name String

Merged on Department Id

Name Type
Id int
Name String
Age Int
Date of Hire String
Department Name String

Sample Data

  • Employee CSV
  • Department CSV
  • Merged CSV

Employee CSV:

Id Name Age Date of Hire Department Id
1 Name1 10 9/1/2022 1
2 Name2 11 9/2/2022 2
3 Name3 12 9/3/2022 3
4 Name4 13 9/4/2022 4
5 Name5 14 9/5/2022 5
6 Name6 15 9/6/2022 6
7 Name7 16 9/7/2022 7
8 Name8 17 9/8/2022 8
9 Name9 18 9/9/2022 9
10 Name10 19 9/10/2022 10
11 Name11 20 9/11/2022 1
12 Name12 21 9/12/2022 2
13 Name13 22 9/13/2022 3
14 Name14 23 9/14/2022 4
15 Name15 24 9/15/2022 5
16 Name16 25 9/16/2022 6
17 Name17 26 9/17/2022 7
18 Name18 27 9/18/2022 8
19 Name19 28 9/19/2022 9
20 Name20 29 9/20/2022 10

Department CSV:

Department Id Department Name
1 Dept1
2 Dept2
3 Dept3
4 Dept4
5 Dept5
6 Dept6
7 Dept7
8 Dept8
9 Dept9
10 Dept10

Merged on Department Id CSV:

Id Name Age Date of Hire Department Name
1 Name1 10 9/1/2022 Dept1
2 Name2 11 9/2/2022 Dept2
3 Name3 12 9/3/2022 Dept3
4 Name4 13 9/4/2022 Dept4
5 Name5 14 9/5/2022 Dept5
6 Name6 15 9/6/2022 Dept6
7 Name7 16 9/7/2022 Dept7
8 Name8 17 9/8/2022 Dept8
9 Name9 18 9/9/2022 Dept9
10 Name10 19 9/10/2022 Dept10
11 Name11 20 9/11/2022 Dept1
12 Name12 21 9/12/2022 Dept2
13 Name13 22 9/13/2022 Dept3
14 Name14 23 9/14/2022 Dept4
15 Name15 24 9/15/2022 Dept5
16 Name16 25 9/16/2022 Dept6
17 Name17 26 9/17/2022 Dept7
18 Name18 27 9/18/2022 Dept8
19 Name19 28 9/19/2022 Dept9
20 Name20 29 9/20/2022 Dept10