Project goals:
- Learn something about the Zig programming language in a trivial project.
- Leverage the
single header libraries. - Mix C and Zig in a single project.
- Use a simple C library in a Zig project.
- Evaluate Zig's build tools, potentially as a standalone alternative to CMake etc.
- Solve a niche problem that crops up day-to-day for me.
The repo contains two side-by-side implementations that (currently) support
parallel features: a C implementation and a Zig implementation. zig build
builds both implementations: icbuster
is the C version, and izbuster
is the
Zig implementation. The C implementation is mostly there for comparison.
- Note: There are only tests written for the Zig version of the program.
All library dependencies are vendored into the libs
folder, so you only need
this repo in order to build the tool.
- stb_image: Simple image library. Public Domain.
- zig-clap: Command-line argument parser. MIT License.
This project takes an image file in one of several popular formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, etc.) and randomly changes a byte in one of the channels. The resulting file (naturally) has a new checksum, which busts the cache for systems that rely on a checksum for deduplication.
Naturally, there are simpler ways to do this, such as using imagemagick to add a watermark or just poke a byte at random somewhere past the JPEG header. But since this is a freetime project, it struck me as a great chance to try out the Zig programming language.
Given an image file foo.jpg
./izbuster foo.jpg -o out.jpg
md5 img/*.jpg
MD5 (img/out.jpg) = 5dd5d15b1468bee9d498aaec58fcf342
MD5 (img/foo.jpg) = 7ab77224654503a92a1c45db8a3e0d79
- Zig 0.10.1: the current stable version at the moment.
- All other dependencies are vendored into the libs folder.
zig build -Drelease-safe
zig build run/zig -- --help # build/run the C impl
zig build run/c -- --help # build/run the Zig impl
zig build test
This project makes no claims about its fitness for any purpose.
The stb_image
library has the following note:
Primarily of interest to game developers and other people who can avoid problematic images and only need the trivial interface
This tool should probably not be used with images of unknown provenance unless they have already been sanitized.