
SlugPubs *ASC LaTeX class.

Primary LanguageTeX

The SlugPubs-*ASC Class

A LaTeX class and associated documentation for a stylesheet conforming to the University of California, Santa Cruz Department of Linguistics SlugPubs *ASC series as instantiated in the 2011 Festschrift for Professor Jorge Hankamer Morphology at Santa Cruz: Papers in Honor of Jorge Hankamer. This class is provided in a legacy format - it is not presently being maintained, but you may contact the maintainers if you wish that to change.

Author Information

Author: Matthew A. Tucker

Affiliations: NYUAD Department of Psychology; Language, Mind, and Brain Laboratory; Neurolinguistics of Language Laboratory (Abu Dhabi)

Email: matt.tucker@nyu.edu

This package was written when the author was at the University of California, Santa Cruz and the University of Pennsylvania. The stylesheet itself was writtin in collaboration with Nicholas LaCara and Anie Thompson.


To install the class, creating the documentation and class file if it doesn not exist already:

% latex slugpubs-asc.ins

To invoke the package in LaTeX or XeLaTeX:


Usage Comments

The class is written in the literate programming style using a documented source file. A .cls file is included in the github repo for convenience only - the best practice really should be to create your own using the above installation procedure. See the documentation which is created (or here in the repo) for more information on package options, etc.

Revision History

  • 6-3-2014: Initial commit, of v.1.0.