
A simple VSCode extension built on figlet.js to generate ascii art comment titles

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ASCII Titles

     _      ____     ____   ___   ___     _____   _   _     _
    / \    / ___|   / ___| |_ _| |_ _|   |_   _| (_) | |_  | |   ___   ___ 
   / _ \   \___ \  | |      | |   | |      | |   | | | __| | |  / _ \ / __|
  / ___ \   ___) | | |___   | |   | |      | |   | | | |_  | | |  __/ \__ \
 /_/   \_\ |____/   \____| |___| |___|     |_|   |_|  \__| |_|  \___| |___/

A simple VSCode extension built on figlet.js to generate ascii art comment titles

Patorjk/ figlet.js : https://github.com/patorjk/figlet.js

Built as a small project to try out the VSCode extension API, inspiration taken from Microsoft's VSCode Extension Samples.

Microsoft/ VSCode Extension Samples : https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-extension-samples

How To Use

Using the the command palette (control + shift + p)

Insert Title At Selection:


Select the whole line that includes the text. 
This will use the settings that are currently set.

Insert Random Title At Selection:


Works the same way but uses a random font, with the fonts 
default kerning and line width.

Set Font:


Sets the font to use when using Insert Title At Selection.
A graphical view of fonts can be found here: 

Set Kerning:


Sets the kerning to use when using Insert Title At Selection

Set Width:

Sets the width to use when using Insert Title At Selection

Set Whitespace break:

Sets the whitespace break property when using Insert Title At Selection