
Emulation of MC6809 and supporting hardware

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Virtual 6809

This project is a simple emulation of the Motorola 6809 8/16-bit processor in javascript

In addition to the processor the project simulates the associated memory and interface chips that are required to interact with the "outside" world.

The Motorola reference design utilises a 64k memory model, a 6847 VDG, and 6821 PIA chips and while this project can simulate those chips it allows the use of other chip designs in the same role.


The emulation of the memory is performed in blocks associated with specified memory address and ranges. For example the first 32k memory block can be defined as RAM, the next 16k as ROM, a gap of 8k followed by 8k of hardware mapped memory associated with the PIA.

In theory any memory model can be represented. Memory bank swapping can also be achieved through use of a larger memory model and appropriate hardware mapping.

For the purposes of emulation access to memory is independent of the clock cycle allowing video hardware to read paged memory without interfering with the CPU interaction. This also means emulation of tri-stating the bus is not required and this in-turn means the emulated hardware is capable of some things that the real CPU cannot do such as what would appear to be DMA actions from peripherals without syncing the CPU.


The CPU emulation is based on a strict read/process/write cpu cycle as detailed in the "6809 assembly language programming" book by Leventhal[1]. The aim is to achieve the same instruction timing.

The emulated processor can operate at any clock speed within the limits of the supporting hardware allowing for fine-tuning that was not possible with real hardware.

So far the instruction should now be complete. All instructions are tested but this is still experimental so there may still be some wobbly bits

The ALU is fully implemented but condition logic contained in control register not ALU - this may be revised in future releases.

The processor bootstraps correctly using the hard reset vector stored at 0xfffe. If no memory exists at that address it will be interpreted as starting from 0x0000.


The VDG is not an emulation, it is an approximation of the original hardware to provide a more palatable experience than the 6847 reference hardware. The implication of this is that the multiplexing required to avoid bus contention is not present.

VDG timing is independent of the actual cpu clock so display artifacts will be radically different from the real components. The timing can be locked to the cpu clock if desired.


The project includes a budo'd client side application that simulates the cpu running at approximately 1MHz

The hardware emulation does NOT include input yet so this is purely a passive display, if the loaded program does not interact with video memory you will not see anything happening

How to Build and Run

The project is coded in Javascript using Node.js with budo. The unit tests are composed using Jest

To "build" the project just copy the source or clone from github Run NPM install from the project folder

The test suite can be started with npm test

To "run" the project use npm start

Modifying the Hardware

The default memory hardware is an approximation of the coco/dragon design with a 32k lower RAM and the upper 32k a mix of ROM and mapped addresses (mapping goes nowhere yet).

Changing main.js to alter the memory is simply a matter of changing these lines:

const memory = Memory.factory("D64");
const machine = new Cpu(memory);

At the moment the memory factory only knows D64 and D4 but it is possible to assemble a custom model using the memory manager:

const memory = new MemoryManager([
  [new Chip(chips.RAM, chips.K32), 0x0000],
  [new Chip(chips.ROM, chips.K4), 0xf000]
const machine = new Cpu(memory);

This would provide 4k of RAM at address 0 and a 4k ROM at 61440. Note it is advisable to provide a ROM segment at high-end of memory to provision the interrupt vector table. Without some memory at this space the vector table will provide a 0 for all interrupts.

The composition of the memory (thanks to the vector table and mapped hardware) can be messy, but the memory mapping is on a first-come-first-served basis. If you specify an area of 256 bytes of mapped memory at 0xff00 and then 32kb of ram at 0x8000 the mapped memory will take precedence at the high addresses. If you do this the other way around it will be ram and not mapped.

The maximum expected memory model is 2Mb (the equivalent of using a 6829 MMU to provide 20 address lines) but paging is not implemented so in effect it will still only be 64k of addressable memory.

Trial Web App

The project is being published to v6809.herokuapp.com. This is not a persistent app container so it may take a while to respond, please be patient!

Sample Code

The "interactive" (?) demo of the emulator runs a simple piece of code to clear the display, copy a message to the display and then infinitely cycle through one byte's values on the screen:

const screenbase=$400

    org $2000
    lds #$7fff
    ldx #screenbase
    bsr cls
    bsr message
    leax 40,x
    inc ,x
    bra cycle
    leay messagetext,pcr
    bsr print
    pshs a,x
    lda #$20
    sta ,x+
    cmpx #$08B0
    bne clsloop
    puls a,x
    pshs a,x,y
    lda ,y+
    beq printover
    sta ,x+
    bra printloop
    puls a,x,y

    fcb "VIRTUAL 6809 V0.4.6",0

The reset vector is set to the code origin so in theory it should always automatically run.


[1] 6809 Assembly Language Programming, 1981 by Lance A. Leventhal
ISBN 0-931988-35-7

[2] Motorola Semiconductor Technical Data - MC6809

[3] Motorola MC6809-MC6809E 8-Bit Microprocessor Programming Manual

[4] Paul Burgin's 6809 Instructions Crib Sheet