
Reference implementation for jig using Anserini

Primary LanguagePython

OSIRRC Docker Image for Anserini+BM25PRF

Build Status

Zhaohao Zeng

This readme is heavily based (i.e. copied from) the Anserini readme.

This is the docker image for BM25PRF conforming to the OSIRRC jig for the Open-Source IR Replicability Challenge (OSIRRC) at SIGIR 2019.

This image is available on Docker Hub.

This image implemented Bm25+Pseudo Relevance Feedback(PRF) with Anserini.

  • Supported test collections: robust04
  • Supported hooks: init, index, search, interact

Quick Start

The following jig command can be used to index TREC disks 4/5 for robust04:

python run.py prepare \
  --repo matthewzz/anserini_bm25prf   \
  --tag latest \
  --collections robust04=/path/to/disk45=trectext

The following jig command can be used to perform a retrieval run on the collection with the robust04 test collection with default params.

python run.py search \
  --repo matthewzz/anserini_bm25prf   \
  --output out \
  --qrels qrels/qrels.robust04.txt \
  --topic topics/topics.robust04.txt \
  --collection robust04 \ 
  --top_k 100

The following jig command can be used to tune the hyper-parameters (first 50 topics in robust04 will be used as validation set). Note that the grid search may take several hours.

python run.py interact \
  --repo matthewzz/anserini_bm25prf \
  --tag latest \

Expected Results

The following numbers should be able to be re-produced using the scripts provided by the jig.


TREC 2004 Robust Track Topics.

  • BM25+PRF: k1=0.9, b=0.4, k1_prf=0.9, b_prf=0.4, num_new_temrs=20, num_docs=10, new_term_weight=0.2
Metric Score
MAP 0.2928
P@30 0.3438