
In this project, as apart of a team I messed around with the master boot record in an attempt to do some interesting things.

Primary LanguageAssembly

COMP6845 MBR project:

Setting up the environment:


  1. qemu - Emulator
  2. nasm - Assembler

Getting a bootloader:

  • dd if="drive" of=boot.bin bs=512 count=1

Running this stuff:

  • Compile asm to mbr bin: nasm -f bin ???.asm -o ???.bin
  • Disassemble bin to asm: ndisasm -b16 -o7C00h ???.bin > ???.asm (can omit flag -07c00h to display assembly from 0x0000 instead of 0x7c00)
  • qemu-system-i386 -fda boot.bin -boot a -s -S
  • -s and -S pauses qemu allowing you to attach a debugger and also starts a debugging server at localhost:1234.

Option 2:

Attaching a debugger:

  • We chose to use GDB.
  • In gdb type:
    target remote localhost:1234

Debugging reading sectors:

  • Put a breakpoint after the interrupt call (0x13).
  • Don't try to step through the interrupt using "ni".


  • Use create_disk.py to extend boot.bin with more sectors so we can test reading and writing.

Some useful links: