Sandbox for discussing OMI objectives. How to get involved: Join us in GitHub discussions, and on Discord. See an opportunity to improve OMI documentation? PR's welcome!

Open Metaverse Interoperability Group (OMI)

Club Discord Twitter Follow OMI Shared Google Calendar

The Open Metaverse Interoperability Group is focused on bridging virtual worlds by designing and promoting protocols for identity, social graphs, inventory, and more. Our members include businesses and individuals working towards this common goal. Aside from technical work, OMI aims to create a community of artists, creators, developers, and other innovators to discuss and explore concepts surrounding the design and development of virtual worlds.

OMI Core Values

  • We collaborate, driven by research, privacy and accessibility, to make the metaverse more human.
  • We work incrementally, iteratively, and with intent.
  • We are creating a cooperative, sustainable culture of innovation.
  • We empower the people making the metaverse.
  • We must cultivate resiliency by championing diversity, and freedom of choice.


Our Vision

We bolster the metaverse as an open and interoperable resource for anyone, inspired by the collaborative efforts of the community.

Next Steps

Click on any of these links to contribute to their associated Github Discussions / Issues:

How To Get Involved

Are you passionate about the metaverse? Join us!

Informal discussions are happening on discord, join our Discord. However, if you want to catch up on topics, ask questions, or discuss new ideas we highly encourage you contribute to our GitHub Discussions, and come to one of our meetings. We have a shared google calendar for tracking upcoming events.

If you'd like to submit a proposal for a specification or other work item. Please see the PROCESS document.

W3C Metaverse Interoperability Community Group

We recently formed a W3C Community Group to help structure our standards work and provide ourselves a proper IP protection framework.

To become a member of the W3C Metaverse Interoperability Community Group, you can join here.

Community Group Chairs


We have weekly meetings on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM Pacific Time in the omi-weekly-meeting channel of the AngellXR Discord.

Next Meeting info:

Join our Discord, follow our Twitter account, or add our calendar to get notified about OMI meetings and events.

Past Meetings

Areas of Exploration

While we don't have an official scope of work for OMI set yet, here are a few areas we are looking into.

  • Identity
  • Friends List / Social Graph
  • Inventory / Trading Virtual Items
  • Avatars
  • 3D Content
  • Portable Scripted Objects / Scenes


Are you really trying to build the Metaverse?

No. Any one group, be it a company or organization cannot build the metaverse. With OMI we hope to form consensus around ways we can turn siloed virtual worlds into a network of interoperable worlds. People have very different ideas of what their worlds should look like and how they should operate. It's not our job to tell them how to create their worlds. We aim to bring world builders together and create protocols so that traversing the metaverse is as seamless as possible.