
buildpack with pdftk binaries

Primary LanguageShell


buildpack with pdftk binaries, based on https://github.com/fxtentacle/heroku-pdftk-buildpack

pdfkt binary is located in /app/bin folder

How to build new version yourself

Set tarball_url to the desired pdftk version in scripts/build.sh

Then run

git clone git@github.com:milopets/heroku-pdftk-buildpack.git

heroku create
heroku stack:set heroku-18
heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/milopets/heroku-buildpack-apt
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/ruby

git push heroku main

This will trigger binaries build process on heroku, it can be observerd in logs.

Once it finishes:

  • go to the application url and download the pdftk.zip file.
  • unpack it locally
  • copy libgcj.so.17 and pdftk binary into this project binaries-$STACK folder
  • call chmod +x on both files
  • commit and push the repository

Once binaries are commited and pushed add this buildpack to your application.