F# for ML


  1. What you're using F# for today
  2. What you're looking to use F# for in the future
  3. Some specifics about "analytical" work you do
  4. Some things in the language and/or ecosystem you need to address the second bullet point


Data Scientist Mindset

Data Scientists focus on two key workflows: Time to Insight and Time to Model. The tools they choose typically center on optimizing one or both of these activites. They can be broken down into these loops

Time to Insight

  1. Import data (CSV/Excel/DB)
  2. Shape the data (Joins, Grouping, Aggregates)
  3. Compute features
  4. Explore the data
    • Plot the data
    • Perform ANOVA
    • Correlation Analysis
  5. If we have insight, stop. If not, return to 1

Time to Model

Note: A pipeline is a series of Featurizers with a Model Trainer at the end

  1. Import the data (CSV/Excel/DB)
  2. Shape the data (Joins, Grouping, Aggregates)
  3. Compute input features
  4. Create Pipeline(s)
  5. Train Pipeline(s)
  6. Evaluate Pipeline(s)
  7. If Pipeline is "good", stop. If not, return to 1
  8. Export Pipeline: The trained Pipeline needs to be exported in a format that it can be reloaded and used for scoring in the future.

Missing Pieces

  1. DataFrame like type/library to work with

    • Fast for working in-memory but can also scale to larger data sets
    • R's data.table library is best in class for in-memory operations
    • Spark is the industry standard distributed DataFrame. Dask is a Python competitor. Scaling up the size of the data set you are working with should be as "seamless" as possible.
  2. Vectorized operations/functions for Columns

    • As a Data Scientist, I am used to working with columns of data and performing operations along the entire column. R is a vector-based language so these types of operations are baked into the language. I am not sure if we can bake this into a Column type, but being able to project/broadcast a function along an entire row is quite powerful.
    • R is a vector-based language so these types of operations are baked into the language.
    • The Numpy package supports these kids of operations with the NDArray type
    • Julia does this by adding a dot (.). The documentation referers to this as dot syntax
    • I am not sure if we can bake this into a Column type, but being able to project/broadcast a function along an entire row is quite powerful.
    • Examples:
      • Column Addition:
        • df.ColC = df.ColA + df.ColB
      • Vectorized Function Call:
        • df.ColC = Stats.statsFunc df.ColA df.ColB
        • StatsFunc: float -> float -> float
      • Could we do something like:
        • df.ColC = Series.map funcA df.ColA df.ColB
        • But without having to create map2, map3, map2withParam
        • Feels very un-F# :/
  3. Full suite of Joins/Aligning data

    • Inner/Outer/Cross/Left Outer/Right Outer
    • AsOf/Rolling Joins:
      • Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF), LOCF within range
      • Nearest Preceding
      • Nearest Succeeding
      • Nearest
      • Within Window (Preceding Window, Succeeding Window, Preceding or Succeeding)
      • Nearest Observation, Nearest Observation within range
      • Rolling Joins Example
      • Overlaps Joins Example
      • Best In Class: data.table or kdb+
  4. Easy grouping of rows and performing analysis on the groups

  5. Windowing of functions

  6. A DataFrame where we could access columns with F# just knowing the type (similar to R df.NewCol <- aSeries)

Libraries and Build System

  1. Build ecosystem is fractured and overwhelming
    • Do I use Fake, msbuild, VSCode's tasks with Fake, VSCode's tasks with msbuild?
    • Python has Anaconda and R has CRAN
  2. Package management is fractured and overwhelming
    • Paket vs. Nuget