
This is an API listing the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, the guiding principles of the hyper-capitalist Ferengi people featured in Star Trek.

It is built with Node.js, Express.js, with MySQL and Knex.js.

API Reference

You can access the API here:

Get a list of the rules

GET /rules


Returns the full list of rules as an array of objects in JSON format.

    "rule_number": number,
    "rule_text": string,
  • rule_number is the in-universe rule number and database ID.
  • rule_text is the canon text of the rule

Get a specific rule

Returns the text and details of a specified rule, including the episodes in which that rule appeared.

GET /rule/:rule_id
Parameter Type Description
:rule_id number The identifying rule number/ID


      "rule_number": number,
      "rule_text": string,
      "rule_variation": string || null,
      "rule_note": string || null,
  "episodeDetails": [
      "series_name": string,
      "episode_season": number,
      "episode_number": number,
      "episode_title": string,
      "episode_synopsis": string,
      "episode_date": "1993-05-02T00:00:00.000Z"
  • ruleDetails, an object containing the full details of the specified rule.
    • rule_number is the in-universe rule number and database ID for the specified rule.
    • rule_text is the canon text of the specified rule
    • rule_variation is a variation on the specified rules language. null if there isn't one.
    • rule_note is a note about the context of the specified rule. null if there isn't one.
  • episodeDetails is an array of episodes that the specified rule appeared in.
    • series_name is the full name of the series this episode was in.
    • episode_season is the season this episode was in.
    • episode_number is the episode number in the season that the specified rule appeared in.
    • episode_synopsis is a brief description of the episode the specified rule appeared in.
    • episode_date is the original airdate for the episode the specified rule appeared in.

Note: Returns 404 if a rule number that does not exist is specified.

Get a list of the "revised" edition rules.

GET /rules/revised


    "rule_number": number,
    "revised_editionÏ": string,
  • rule_number is the in-universe rule number and database ID.
  • revised_edition is the canon text of the rule

Get a specific revsied rule

Returns the text and details of a specified rule, including the episodes in which that rule appeared.

GET /rule/:rule_id/revised
Parameter Type Description
:rule_id number The identifying rule number/ID


      "rule_number": number,
      "revised_edition": string,
      "revised_note": string
  "episodeDetails": [
      "series_name": string,
      "episode_season": number,
      "episode_number": number,
      "episode_title": string,
      "episode_synopsis": string,
      "episode_date": "1993-05-02T00:00:00.000Z"
  • ruleDetails, an object containing the full details of the specified revised edition rule.
    • rule_number is the in-universe rule number and database ID for the specified rule.
    • revised_edition is the canon text of the specified revised edition rule
    • revised_note is a note about the context of the specified revised edition rule. null if there isn't one.
  • episodeDetails is an array of episodes that the specified rule appeared in.
    • series_name is the full name of the series this episode was in.
    • episode_season is the season this episode was in.
    • episode_number is the episode number in the season that the specified rule appeared in.
    • episode_synopsis is a brief description of the episode the specified rule appeared in.
    • episode_date is the original airdate for the episode the specified rule appeared in.

Note: Returns 404 if a rule number that does not exist is specified.