HTTP? Yeah, You Know Me!

This was my third project in module 1 at Turing School of Software and Design. The goal was to get a greater understanding of HTTP requests, specifically GET and POST requests. The spec required that we build a server in ruby that accepts HTTP requests and returns responses based on the request.


Clone down the project.

git clone

CD into the project.

cd httpyykm

To run the server, from the root project folder run:

`ruby lib/httpyykm.rb`

**The server runs at address**

The functionality of the server includes appropriate response codes and the following commands:

**GET Requests**<br>
* `/`
 * This request to the root will return general information including:
    * Verb
    * Path
    * Protocol
    * Host
    * Origin
    * Accept
    * Content-Length (POST requests only)
* `/hello`
  * Returns "Hello, World!" along with the number of times that the path '/hello' has been reached this session.
* `/datetime`
  * Returns the Date and Time.
* `/shutdown`
  * Returns the total number of requests and shuts down the server.
* `/word_search?word=(your word here)`
  * Returns either `WORD is a known word` or `WORD is not a known word` depending on the results of your machine's local dictionary.
* `/game`
  * If a game has been started, it will respond with how many guesses have been taken and whether the most recent guess was too low or too high.

**POST Requests**<br>
* `/start_game`
  * Returns "Good luck!" and starts a game where your machine has chosen a number between 0 and 100.
* `/game?guess`
  * This post request allows you to make a guess. The server takes your guess and then redirects you to '/game' and will respond 
   showing you your number of guesses and if your guess was correct, too high, or too low.