
Many HEP simulation tools in one image

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Many HEP simulation tools in one image for both x86_64 and aarch64 machines.

Docker Hub

Distributed Software

  • ROOT 6.28.04
  • HepMC v2.06.11
  • LHAPDF v6.5.3
  • FastJet v3.4.0
  • YODA v1.9.7
  • Rivet
  • GSL v2.7.1
  • ThePEG v2.2.3
  • GoSam
  • PYTHIA v8.306
  • MadGraph5_aMC@NLO v3.4.2
  • OpenLoops v2.1.2 (x86_64 only)
  • HERWIG v7.2.2 (x86_64 only)
  • Awkward v2
  • matplotlib v3.7
  • JupyterLab v4
  • jupytext v1.14


As the image is mult-manifest, both x86_64 and aarch64 versions of the image are available under the same tag

docker pull matthewfeickert/hep-simulation-stack:les-houches-2023

Running as default 'moby' non-root user

Run the container with configuration options

docker run \
    --rm \
    -ti \
    --publish 8888:8888 \
    --volume $PWD:/home/moby/work \

which will then launch Jupyter Lab with corresponding option defaults

jupyter lab --no-browser --ip --port 8888

Running without the defaults

If you just want an interactive shell or need to run with different options then pass in -- as the CMD:

docker run \
    --rm \
    -ti \
    --publish 8888:8888 \
    --volume $PWD:/home/moby/work \
    matthewfeickert/hep-simulation-stack:les-houches-2023 --