
Convox base image for Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageNginx


Convox base image for Ruby on Rails


FROM convox/rails

# copy only the files needed for bundle install
COPY Gemfile      /app/Gemfile
COPY Gemfile.lock /app/Gemfile.lock
RUN bundle install

# copy only the files needed for assets:precompile
COPY Rakefile   /app/Rakefile
COPY config     /app/config
COPY public     /app/public
COPY app/assets /app/app/assets
RUN rake assets:precompile

# copy the rest of the app
COPY . /app


Application using this image should:

  • Copy their source files into /app
  • Listen for HTTP requests on port 5000.


  • Listen for HTTP request on port 4000 and redirects all requests to https://.
  • Listen for HTTP requests on port 4001 accepting PROXY protocol and injecting X-Forwarded-For headers.

Example Configuration

Using this image in your docker-compose.yml should look something like this:

  - convox.port.443.protocol=tls
  - convox.port.443.proxy=true
  - 80:4000
  - 443:4001


Base Image: convox/ruby

Standard Ruby development headers

  • libmysqld-dev
  • libpq-dev
  • libsqlite3-dev
  • ruby-dev


  • Buffers incoming HTTP requests
  • Accept PROXY protocol headers to discover source IP
  • Inject X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-For
  • Serve /assets from disk without hitting the Rails app