
Collection of code to load, process and analyse rowing data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Collection of code to load, process and analyse rowing data from World Rowing.

Can view the world rowing data by running streamlit run world_rowing_app/home.py or visiting https://worldrowing.streamlit.app/


A python library for analysing gps data, there are two main programs, gpx and garmin. gpx directly processes gpx files, calculating fastest times/splits over distances and timings/splits between specified rowing landmarks. See Garmin.ipynb for a more direct example of how to use the library.

Example usage

$ gpx --help
usage: gpx [-h] [-o [OUT_FILE]] [-l-log LOG] [gpx_file [gpx_file ...]]

Analyse gpx data files

positional arguments:
  gpx_file              gpx files to process, accepts globs, e.g. activity_*.gpx, default='*.gpx'

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o [OUT_FILE], --out-file [OUT_FILE]
                        path to excel spreadsheet to save results, default='gpx_data.xlsx'
  -l-log LOG, --log LOG
                        Provide logging level. Example --log debug', default='warning'

$ garmin --help
usage: garmin    [-h] [--start [START]] [-u [USER]] [-p [PASSWORD]] [-c [CREDENTIALS]]
                 [--actions {excel,heartrate,download} [{excel,heartrate,download} ...]]
                 [--excel-file [EXCEL_FILE]] [--folder [FOLDER]] [-a [ACTIVITY]]
                 [--min-distance [MIN_DISTANCE]] [--max-distance [MAX_DISTANCE]]
                 [--start-date START_DATE] [--end-date END_DATE] [--min-hr [MIN_HR]]
                 [--max-hr [MAX_HR]] [--hr-to-plot HR_TO_PLOT [HR_TO_PLOT ...]]
                 [--cmap {gist_ncar,inferno,hot,hot_r}] [--dpi DPI] [--hr-file HR_FILE]
                 [--hr-plot HR_PLOT] [-l-log LOG]

Analyse recent gps data

positional arguments:
  n                     maximum number of activities to load

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --start [START]       if loading large number of activities, sets when to start
                        loading the activities from
  -u [USER], --user [USER], --email [USER]
                        Email address to use
  -p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
  -c [CREDENTIALS], --credentials [CREDENTIALS]
                        path to json file containing credentials (email and password)
  --actions {excel,heartrate,download} [{excel,heartrate,download} ...]
                        specify action will happen
  --excel-file [EXCEL_FILE]
                        path of output excel spreadsheet
  --folder [FOLDER]     folder path to download fit files
  -a [ACTIVITY], --activity [ACTIVITY]
                        activity type, options: rowing, cycling, running
  --min-distance [MIN_DISTANCE]
                        minimum distance of activity (in km)
  --max-distance [MAX_DISTANCE]
                        maximum distance of activity (in km)
  --start-date START_DATE
                        start date to search for activities from in YYYY-MM-DD format
  --end-date END_DATE   start date to search for activities from in YYYY-MM-DD format
  --min-hr [MIN_HR]     min heart rate to plot
  --max-hr [MAX_HR]     max heart rate to plot
  --hr-to-plot HR_TO_PLOT [HR_TO_PLOT ...]
                        which heart rates to plot lines for
  --cmap {gist_ncar,inferno,hot,hot_r}
                        The cmap to plot the heart rates for
  --dpi DPI
  --hr-file HR_FILE     file to save heart rate to
  --hr-plot HR_PLOT     file to save heart rate to
  -l-log LOG, --log LOG, --logging LOG
                        Provide logging level. Example --log debug', default='warning'

Example running garmin,

$ garmin --credentials garmin-credentials.json
best times: 
                                                                   time    split heart_rate cadence bearing
activity_id startTime           totalDistance length distance                                              
8864358195  2022-05-21 09:45:21 11.98812      250m   0.191      1:25.50  2:51.01       97.9     8.1    76.3
                                                     0.452      1:20.04  2:40.08      107.7    20.1    48.5
                                                     0.803      1:24.81  2:49.62      106.8    18.4    29.0
                                                     1.054      1:13.89  2:27.78      118.7    17.9    19.6
                                                     1.376      1:15.38  2:30.77      121.1    18.1    16.0
...                                                                 ...      ...        ...     ...     ...
8888463424  2022-05-25 05:35:52 16.04431      5km    2.943     22:35.28  2:15.52      153.4    20.0    11.4
                                                     8.142     25:10.40  2:31.04      151.9    20.1  -136.1
                                              7km    1.064     32:48.65  2:20.61      145.3    18.4    13.7
                                                     8.129     38:47.62  2:46.25      150.9    19.9  -141.6
                                              10km   1.757     47:57.81  2:23.89      150.0    19.7   -41.3
$ garmin --start-date 2021-09-01 --end-date 2022-05-25 --action heartrate --hr-plot hr.png
saved heart rate data to heart_rate.xlsx
saved heart rate plot to hr.png
Press enter to finish

hr.png is shown below,

heart rate plot