
Better three column layout for Coursera video lectures. Transcript appears on the right, and downloads are shifted to the left. Changes the layout of the courseera video pages so that the transcript appears alongside the video, allowing easy access to the video and the transcript.

I'm no expert with CSS or HTML, but the layout on coursera is appalling enough to get me to make this extension so that watching a video and reading the transcript is actually possible.

Chrome Extension URL


  • detect DOM change event


  • make the forum link work (woops)
  • removed console logging


  • added resize page on window resize event listeners
  • tidied up constants
  • removed surplus permissions
  • moved more styling into styles.css

v1.0.0 - first publish

  • Displays the video page in three columns
  • with the Downloads shifted to the left
  • the transcript shifted to the right into a new column
  • and the Transcript Search will always be visible above the transcript